Chapter Nine - You Will Get What You Deserve ♥

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Chapter Nine - You Will Get What You Deserve ♥

"Emily! Emily, stay with me! Emily! Emily!" I open my eyes wide as my mom shakes me hard, almost disconnecting my shoulders from my body. "Emily!"

"Mom?" I cough hard as I try to stand up but the man next to my mom pushes me back down.

"Stay down. You've inhaled too much smoke." Smoke? I look at my worried sick mom and at the burning house behind her. A house that looks so familiar to me.

"Mom," I cough, "what happened?" she just wipes her eyes and looks away.

"Lily!" She calls, looking around crazily. "Where's Lily?? Where's my Lily??"

My confusion only gets worse the more my mom calls her name. Why is she crying? Why is she shouting her name? Why is this house burning? How did I inhale smoke? And where's daddy in all of this mess? "Lily!"

"Ma'am, we ask you to stay close to the ambulance." a man in fireman uniform tells her.

"But my daughter is still in there!" she sobs.

"I'll try my best to find her but it'll only work if you stay here and let the doctors take care of you." she sobs more as the man hurries back into the house.

"Mommy." I call, watching as she turns and comes to me. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. "What's going on?"

"Everything is okay, Emily. Don't worry. Just keep doing as the doctor says and stay with me."

I open my eyes to find myself lying in a white room. A white room I know so well, I can draw it with my eyes shut. Why am I in the hospital again? Why did I have a flashback of the time my house burnt down? And why am I alone in this room?

I usually have one or two people holding my hands when I wake up in the hospital. This time, not even a nurse is around. I grab the glass of water I see on my left and chug it all down my sore throat.

Man, it's like I didn't drink for days. What's going on here? All I can remember is the fight I had with Justin. Did the fight become physical? Did Justin beat me? Nah, he'd never. He hates to shout at me, let alone beat. Plus, I don't have any bruises as much as I can tell from the hospital gown that's covering my naked body.

Did I faint? Got into a car accident? Had another baby I had no idea about? Or perhaps my worst fear has come true and one of the Beliebers managed to break into my house and tried to kill me?

The door to the room opens and on instinct I shut my eyes and pretend to still be asleep.

"Cory, really, she's fine. She only fell down the stairs. Doctors said she'd be up soon. You don't need to worry." I hear Erin say as someone touches my hand.

"You sure there's nothing else?" from lack of answer, I figure Erin nods her head. "Alright, well, if she wakes up when I'm gone, tell her I was here and that I love her."

"Of course." the touch on my hand disappears and the door to my room closes. "Would you tell me what happened now?" Erin's voice changes from sweet to sharp, showing hostility to the person with her.

"It's not easy.." the other voice breaks in the middle as if the person it belongs to is about to cry.

"Take a deep breath and say it, Justin."

He follows her instruction and breathes in deeply, exhaling the air slowly. "We had a fight. I've found out she smokes, a-"

"Hold on, Emily smokes?!" Fuck, Erin is so gonna kill me once I officially wake up.

This is Just the Beginning (Sequel for One Mistake, Two Gifts)Where stories live. Discover now