A/N - Update (2) ♥

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So..... As you guys might notice..... I'm not so active lately..... There's a reason for that, I swear!

Not many of you may know that but I'm from Israel and in here, there's this law where you gotta join the army by the time you're 18 and out of high school, and well, I'm 18 and out of high school, therefore, I have joined the army last month. That's why I haven't published anything in years, I tried to enjoy the time I had at home before the army recruited me and now I gotta wake up at 7 a.m. everyday and get my ass to my workplace in my base. So, long story short, my ass is tired as fuck.

Anyway, I'm babbling. I feel bummed that I haven't updated anything, especially TJTB since I had a really good idea for it and now for months I have a serious block that prevents me from finishing anything :///

I'm still trying to work on some chapters though but I gotta say, updates are gonna be really late from now on... I'm sorry T_T

Hope you're still reading...

Love, Ophir ♥

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