Chapter Eleven - Bruises ♥

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Chapter Eleven - Bruises ♥

(important notes at the end)

~Justin's P.O.V~

Giving Sean a visit was something I certainly needed, although it wasn't enough at all. Kicking the shit out of him made me feel good. Hearing what he said about Emily made me feel worse than hurt and angry combined. Just remembering it makes me wanna go back to him and choke the life out of him.

I come out of the car as I park in the parking space and rush into the house, breathing fast and feeling hot from all the anger. I hurry to the kitchen and begin to walk back and forth as I suddenly notice a figure coming forward from the living room. I almost hit her but quickly come to recognize her face. "Erin." I take a deep breath and loosen up my fists as she comes closer, looking horrified.

"Your face!" I squint and flinch back as she touches the bruised skin on my face. "And your hands! What happened??"

"It's nothing," I say, turning around to wash the blood off my hands.

"It's not nothing! You went to him, didn't you?" I stay silent as I open the faucet. "Justin!"

"Yes! Of course I went to him! You thought I wouldn't?? He raped Emily, my girlfriend, the girl I love!" I stare at her with eyes wide open, feeling pissed. "What did you think I was gonna do, sit around and hope for it to never have happened??"

She looks down, tears filling her eyes. "He fucking raped her." I say, feeling the tears myself. "And I wasn't there to prevent it." I feel my legs losing strength and my body slowly falling on the floor. I sit there, hugging my legs while crying.

"You were in the hospital, Justin, there was nothing you could have done! Don't blame yourself for this." Erin says as she sits beside me, rubbing my back.

"I should've killed him."

"He might deserve it but that's not the solution. Emily needs you now more than ever. Don't let your rage take over you."

"But how will I help her?? I don't know what to do!" I sob loudly and sniffle. "I promised her when we were 14 that I'm gonna protect her no matter what, and look what happened!"

"You'll help her just by letting her know you're there for her. And it's not your fault what happened to her."

"It is my fault," my voice cracks as I look at her. "If I hadn't fought Sean in the park, if I hadn't told everyone she's my girlfriend, if I hadn't pushed her to have sex with me, none of this would've happened." I sob as I memorize everything we've been through the last year.

"If there's one thing I know for sure about Emily, is that she would never have slept with you if she didn't want to." Erin says, a little smirk is shown on her face while a tear dripples down her cheek. "Now, take a deep breath and relax. Go take a shower and then go to bed." I take a deep breath like she suggested and hug her.

"Thank you, Erin, for being here." I say, breathe deep again and get up, walking towards the stairs.

"I'mma go to sleep." Erin nods before getting up, and leaves me alone in the house. After five minutes, when I know for sure she isn't close to the house anymore, I scream all the air I have in my lungs to release all of the frustration and anger I feel inside. Needless to say, it doesn't work.

I fall on the couch and begin to cry, feeling worthless. Slowly I begin to fall asleep and next thing I know, the sun flashes in my face, waking me up. I feel my head hurting from all the crying last night. I sit up and stretch, feeling like shit. I strip my clothes as I walk downstairs to my shower and get in, not caring about the temperature.

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