Chapter Five - Right Here ♥

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Chapter Five - Right Here ♥

When Scooter asked me to go bring him something from the address on the paper next to me, I never really considered how long this ride might take.

Driving down the road all by myself to a place I've never been to before is not exactly what I'd prefer to do at this moment. I'd prefer to be in the hospital right now with Justin who's still hospitalized and stuck in his hospital room. He would've been out a week ago, but due to migraines, throwing ups and several times of fainting, he has to stay for three more days in that sterilized hospital.

"Where did you send me to, Scooter??" I question loudly as I make a turn and look at the paper he gave me an hour ago. "One St. Thomas, Yorkville." I look through the window at the names of the streets and make a left as I spot a sign that says St. Thomas St.

I beep twice after finding the house and wait for the person with the 'thing' to come out. Looking to my right, I see a tall handsome guy walking out of the high building, a black leather jacket covers his arms and a pair of sunglasses protect his eyes from the sun. He walks up to my car and opens the door, quickly sliding in and buckling up.

"Go." The guy shortly says and looks ahead. "Uhh, excuse me?" I look at him confused. What is that stranger doing in my car and why isn't he leaving?

"What's so hard to understand? Go. Drive. Take me to the hospital." "And who are you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "I'm Drake, now drive." My eyes grow wide. "You're Drake? As in the rapper, Drake?" He rolls his eyes and beeps my car. "C'mon! I don't have all day!"

I quickly put the car in first gear and drive out of the driveaway to the same place I came from.

"Why do you need to go to the hospital though?" I question as we get to the highway. "Justin and I are working on a song together and we were planning on releasing it next month and since he's awake, we can finally do It."

"But he's still not well enough to get back to singing." I start to refuse but he quickly stops me. "We're not singing today or any time soon. We're writing." I nod quietly.

"Will I be able to be present in the room when you two work?" I smile, hoping the answer is yes. "It's all up to your boyfriend. It's going on his album, not mine." I frown as I hear his answer. Justin will kick me out as soon as the notebooks are open. Whenever he has an inspiration or tries to write or does anything that relates to his music, he throws me out of the room. Not literally, of course.

He says I'm distracting him. What kind of bullshit is that? Not my problem you think I'm good looking, Bieber. Ugh, I wish he'd show me his work BEFORE he finishes it. I even tried seducing him once but it didn't work so well. It almost did, but no, he was too damn stubborn. Curse your stubbornness, Bieber. I will get you someday.

I let a long sigh out and turn the music on as I keep on driving to the hospital.

* * *

As we approach the door with the numbers 548 on it, I knock twice and open the door slowly, spotting a nurse feeding a shirtless Justin. She keeps glancing at his abs every now and then and looking at him hungrily. Needless to say I got irritated.

"Back!" I exclaim, hurrying up to Justin and giving him a full kiss on the lips with tongue and everything. "H-hi." Justin mumbles breathlessly as I glance at the nurse, smiling in triumph inside my head as I notice her annoyed expression. That's right, bitch. He's mine. All of this is MINE.

"You can go." I snap the bowl of soup from the nurse's hands and nudge her to the side, letting her know she's not needed here anymore. She frowns and walks out of the room, my eyes following her closely behind.

This is Just the Beginning (Sequel for One Mistake, Two Gifts)Where stories live. Discover now