Chapter Four - Love At Millionth Sight ♥

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Chapter Four - Love At Millionth Sight ♥

"C'mon, mom, we're going to be late!" I shout to my mom as I rush down the stairs, wearing the white dress I bought last week and the ballet shoes I got for my birthday.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Mom says as she hurries out of the kitchen with a chocolate cake in her hands. "You made a cake? Really?" She shrugs her shoulders and grabs her bag. "Ugh, whatever, let's go. We only have twenty minutes and the ride is thirty." I open the front door and lock it after my mom exits the house and follow her up to her car.

"Seat belts." She says as we both enter the vehicle. I sigh and buckle up as she turns the engine on and revs her way to the airport.

Thirty minutes later, mom parks the car in the parking lot of the airport and we both hurry to the gates.

"C'mon!" I shout as I spot him walking up to a group of people and giving them each a hug.

"Where's Emily?" I hear him ask and draw a short breath while raising my arm. "Here, here! I'm here!" I crash my body on his and puff quickly. "Sorry we're late, mom took time in the kitchen." I say as I let go of him.

"Excuse me, but I was waiting for your slow butt to finally come out of the room and make an appearance downstairs." I roll my eyes as my mom approaches us.

I look ahead of me and stare blankly at the boy with the astonished face. "Justin?" I ask while waving my hand in front of his face.

"Yo, Justin." Chaz shouts while nudging his shoulder. Justin shakes his head slightly and focuses his eyes on Chaz next to him. "W-what?" Ryan laughs and grabs his head, giving him a noogie. "Wake up, jerk, you're in Canada!"

Justin punches Ryan in the stomach and scratches his head as he's finally set free. "Why don't we all go to our place to eat this delicious cake Cory made?" Pattie suggests as Justin fixes his hair while looking angrily at Ryan who's still laughing.

"C'mon, Em, let's go." Erin says as she grabs my arm and leads me towards the exit.

* *

"So how was Atlanta, Justin?" I ask when I walk into his house, he's close behind me. "A-Atlanta?" I turn to stare at his confused face. "Yeah, Atlanta, the place you just came back from. Are you okay?"

He shakes his head and laughs nervously. "Yeah, yeah, I'm just tired, that's all." "So, how was it?" I ask again. "It was pretty cool. I met Usher." He tells as we both sit down on the couch. "Get out! Are you serious?! You met Usher?!" He laughs and nods. "And?? What happened?!"

"He blew me off, said it's too cold outside and hurried into the studio." He shrugs. "But you'll meet him again, won't you?" He shrugs again. "I don't know. I hope so. But enough about me. What about you? You look different." I raise an eyebrow. "Different? How different?" "I don't know. You just do."

"Emily!"Erin shouts as she bursts into the room. "Cake is served, c'mon, c'mon!" She grabs my arm and yanks me from my seat to the kitchen, leaving a confused Justin alone on the couch.

~Justin's P.O.V~

"Yo, Justin, it's cake time!" Ryan shouts as he walks into the living room from the door Emily and Erin just exited from. I stare blankly at him until he makes a confused face and smiles. "Is everything alright?" He sits down beside me and places an arm on my shoulder to shake me.

I shake my head and look at him. "Y-yeah." I clean my throat. "Say, does Emily look different to you?" He pauses for a moment and shakes his head. "No? It's just that... The moment I saw her in front of me, I just felt amazed of her beauty. I don't think I've ever seen her like that before. She's just so... beautiful." I look up at his face to find a smile covering it. "What?"

"Do you like Emily?" My eyes grow wide to his question. "The one you've known since you were, what, six? The one you play hockey with, the one you referred as a 'brother' before you left?" I swallow down my spit and stare ahead. Do I? She really is like a brother to me. Well, a female brother. I can't say sister because she doesn't really act like a girl. Besides, I've known her since I was six, meaning, I've known her for 7 years. Why would I all of a sudden now after all this time start to like her in a different way?

"Hey, Justin, how do I look?" Emily emerges out of the kitchen with chocolate covering her upper lip and jaw. She makes a duck face and giggles as I just observe her. Could it be that I really like her? Emily Stevens? "Hello? Justin?" She waves her hand in front of me again and laughs as Ryan slaps my head. I look at him surprised and hit his cheek before running downstairs to my room and lock the door behind.

I ignore Ryan's attempts to break into the room and take my shirt off, looking for another one in my closet. I grab a white shirt and wear it on before leaving the room, pushing Ryan to the side as I open the door.

I stand in the entrance to the kitchen and observe the area as Chaz smears chocolate on Erin's face and Emily laughing behind. Her look, her voice, her eyes, her hair, even her laugh make me shiver. Do I really like her? If I do, should I tell her? Or make any step towards that direction? Does she feel the same way? Will she respond positively or will it ruin our friendship? God, I don't know! I came back an hour ago and I'm already messed up.

"What are you doing standing here, silly? Come join us!" Emily exclaims as she grabs my hand and leads me to the chocolaty fight that's been going on in front of me. Even her touch makes my stomach twirl. I'm just about to run back to where I was when a piece of the cake hits my shirt. I look down and sigh. I had to wear a white shirt, didn't I?

I walk up to the almost empty plate where a cake used to be on and slap Chaz's face while my hand is covered with chocolate. That sure did feel good.


Let's see how many of you realized what was happening here.

Yes, I know it's been three months, more or less, since I've updated, I know, I know, I know, I'm sorry, but it was really hard to write this chapter. But now it's out and I hope you guys liked it and that it was worth the wait.

Sowwy :/

And I'm also sorry it's a short chapter. Like I said, it was really hard to write it...

On another note, I can assure you that the next chapter will be up pretty soon, most probably before school begins.

Whoever is still reading, I LOVE YOU.

And I think I'm gonna start doing this voting thing yknow 40 votes for next chapter.

K, Imma go work on the next chapter now. Enjoy :3


Ophir ♥

This is Just the Beginning (Sequel for One Mistake, Two Gifts)Where stories live. Discover now