Ch 71-80

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Chapter 71 The corn is ripe

After being praised by the blue, the smile on Time's face deepened. He gave Ji Hanchen a cup of tea and gradually realised the happiness brought by sharing.

It has only been a day to come to the barren star. He obviously feels that his world has expectations and hopes, which has never happened before.

"Blue, I'll give you this box of tea as a gift from you, okay?"

Fearing being rejected, Shiguang quickly added, "My brother still has several boxes, and I don't like tea very much."

Seeing that time tried his best to persuade himself to accept the gift, Wei Lan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

"Thank you for the tea. I like it very much. Tea can not only be brewed for drinking, but also can be used for vegetables. I'll use tea as a seasoning and cook a few dishes for you to taste. Time, can I buy you some branches of tea trees?

After listening to Wei Lan's request, he looked at her inexplusably.

Does Wei Lan want to make tea by herself?

But he saw that every time his brother stir-fried tea, he took the tender buds at the top of the tea tree. His brother said that the leaves of the old tea tree could not be fried to make tea.

On the contrary, Ji Hanchen, who was sitting opposite the blue, guessed her intention, "Do you want to cultivate the tea tree with the branches of the tea?"

It sounds incredible. The branch has no roots. How can it become a tea tree?

"Yes, large-scale cultivated tea seedlings are propagated by means of swing. This cultivation method is not only suitable for tea trees, but also for all kinds of trees. The specific operation method will be known when the tea branches are sent.

Wei Lan looked at Ji Hanchen with a smile. She didn't expect him to be so keen.

Tea is one of her favorite drinks, not the artificially blended drink on the Xuri.

"There are many benefits to drinking tea. Drinking tea for a long time can kill all kinds of mold infections, improve the body's immunity, strengthen the body's immune system, and then improve the body's resistance to disease. It is not easy to get sick, and can also promote the excretion of toxins from the body. Wrapping tea leaves in gauze can also remove the odor in the locker.

Time has never heard that Zhiyi can also cultivate seedlings, but he has no doubt about the cultivation plan proposed by Wei Lan.

The time that was curious about the specific cultivation process quickly agreed. This little thing did not need his brother to agree at all, and he could make the decision himself.

Tomorrow at the latest, the tea branches at home will reach Desert Star 999. As long as you don't cut your brother's tea tree, it's no problem to cut a few more.

After thanking the time for the tea, Wei Lan and Ji Hanchen left the mobile cabin of Time together. The new home has just been delivered. Presumably he still has some personal items to sort out.

That night, the blue plane trading system once again welcomed returning customers. Since she changed the positioning of the plane trading system and turned it into a snack shop, the number of people who came to trade unconsciously increased.

At present, the products that can be traded in her stone snack shop are: dried tomatoes, ketchup, preserved fish, dried pumpkin, dried spicy radish, and crispy pumpkin.

After several transactions, the fields of the trading system have been expanded to six, and she has been upgraded to an intermediate trader.

Azure exchanged peanuts, sesame seeds, beets and sugar cane from the returnees according to the agreement.

In order to cover the plane trading system, she now exchanges plants with the audience in the live broadcast room almost every day. Only in this way can she pass through the clear road with different seeds in her hand so that the source will not be suspected.

Azure entered the cultivation method of these seeds into the work center of the super robot and gave it to arrange sowing. The newly reclamped field on the barren star soon came into use, and the coverage area of green plants has reached one-tenth of the land area.

In the central star domain, Shi Xi's face changed greatly after learning the truth about his brother's leg disease from the monarch.

For the past ten years, most of his energy has been devoted to treating his younger brother's leg disease. No matter how hard he tries, his legs have never shown any signs of healing. It turned out that there was a black hand behind this matter that he didn't know.

"Shi Xi, what are you planning to do? I guess your family should have any grudges with the star thief.

Under the video camera, Ji Hanchen found that the smile on Shi Xi's face gradually faded, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

It's no wonder he will be so angry. If he were himself, I'm afraid he would want to open the mecha immediately and go to the Red Sea to find Charles.

"I don't know what my family has to do with the Star Thief. I'm afraid I have to discuss this matter with my father."

Thinking of Charles, the head of the star thief, who is known as a medical genius, Shi Xi collected his anger and continued, "According to the investigation, the Fan family seems to have reached a certain intention to cooperate with the star thieves, intending to be on the dark line within the Federation. Roger's cooperation with the Fan family has completely broken down. He has now sung a stage play with the Fan family and has invested a lot of energy in the planting and breeding industry..."

After listening to Shi Xi's report, Ji Hanchen replied to the decisions on some important matters.

Before ending this video call, Ji Hanchen briefly talked about the situation of time in the deserted star.

"If you care, you will be confused. Shixi, I hope you can calm down. Charles is too evil. Don't be led by him. Even if your brother's leg disease is not his instructions, he should know about it. Only by fig out the origin of the matter can we plan the next step. Charles is not the only one who can control the legs of time. Now that we already know the direction, the difference is only in the time.

At the end of the video, Shi Xi accepted Ji Hanchen's suggestion and said that he would not act rashly.

In the mobile cabin next door, Time is focusing on writing the code of Oasis software. The plant database has been successfully maintained, and it can only be continuously updated in the future. Now there are more important things waiting for him to push forward.

The light screen reflects a light blue light, reflecting his thin body.

At this moment, his youthful temperament has changed wonderfully, giving people a feeling as solid and reliable as the earth.

The hour hand gradually pointed to twelve o'clock in the evening, and the time-flying fingers did not mean to stop. In the quiet night, there was no movement to disturb his thoughts. He only felt happy and not tired.

A week later, in the vegetable garden of Desert 999.

"Everyone, please see that the corn is fully ripe." Azure pointed to the corn in the field and said to the audience in the live broadcast room, "I have started the holographic experience mode. You can try to break the mature corn off the corn stalk like this."

Azure grabbed a mature corn with her right hand and rotated it hard. The corn wrapped in green clothes came to the blue hand.

"If we tear off its coat, we can get the tender yellow fresh corn inside."

The blue hand is skillful, and the corn is from being torn off to the coat in less than a minute. But this action is not so easy for the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Fortunately, it's a holographic experience mode. The anchor can't see the real situation on my side. When I was breaking corn just now, I accidentally broke the whole corn seedlings.]

[The action of tearing the corn coat is very interesting, but the corn must be too difficult to clean. Why is it so easy to operate the anchor?]

[I don't know if I can eat tender corn? Let me have a taste.]

[Let's ask clearly first, although the tender corn looks very good.]

On the bullet screen, he saw that some people were eating tender corn. He explained with a smile, "Tender corn can be eaten raw, but don't eat too much, just taste it. Cooked corn will taste better. The research institute is now researching and developing new varieties of fruit corn, which are specially used for raw food.

With the help of robots, the ripe corn in the corn field was quickly broken off.

Time used to sit on the roadside watching the blue live broadcast, but I don't know when Ji Hanchen came to him.

"A Guang, do you want to break corn in the field?"

Time looked up at Ji Hanchen. Of course, he thought, but he was afraid that he would cause trouble to Weilan. To the eyes of Shangji Hanchen's insightful eyes, Time nodded honestly.

"I'll take you to the field to break corn. If I remember correctly, your wheelchair has the function of automatic lifting. Don't worry about the rest. With me, I will help you maintain the balance of the wheelchair.

With that, Ji Hanchen easily lifted the time with the wheelchair, and then took him to the cornfield.

Wei Lan, who was broadcasting live, was a little surprised and moved when he saw this scene. Ji Hanchen's coldness was just the appearance. In essence, he was still a person with light in his heart.

After the wheelchair landed in the cornfield, Time excitedly controlled the wheelchair and let it rise.

The moment he grabbed the corn cob with his right hand, he looked back happily at Ji Hanchen, who was standing behind him and protecting himself.

He broke the corn hard and tore open its coat flexibly. He raised the tender corn in his hand and waved to Azure Blue. "Blue, look at my bag of corn. I broke it with my own hands. I'll eat it at noon.

Amused by the words of time, Weilan strode over.

"You have to break a lot of corn later. Do you want me to make a special mark for you?"

Later, I realized that what I just said was a little naive. Time was embarrassed to put away the corn in my hand. "I still don't need it. It's really interesting to break the corn."

At this moment, Ji Hanchen, who was behind the time, said, "You can send the corn you broke by your own hands back to your brother. He should be very happy when he receives your gift."

Ji Hanchen's words made Wei Lan raise his eyebrows. I don't know when the barrier that isolated himself from the outside world began to disintegrate. He began to become flesh and blood, and all kinds of emotions were slowly revealed.

"Blue, I'd better pay you to buy it!" Ji Hanchen's proposal moved the time.

"What to buy! You're welcome. There will be a special logistics plane to receive the goods later. You can send your broken corn to your brother by the way.

The audience in the live broadcast room had a good time. The matter of breaking corn was not only fresh for them, but also satisfied their curiosity about food. The key is that the joy of this harvest cannot be replaced by anything else.

Two hours later, except for the immature corn, all the corn cobs were moved by robots to the transport car and sent to the logistics center.

They will be delivered to the buyers who ordered them in a day.

Standing in the corn field where the corn cob was broken, the blue looked at the tender green corn pole, and an idea came to mind.

"Now, I want to introduce a brand-new food to you."

Azure took a fresh corn stalk from the robot and quickly cleaned the branches and leaves on it with a knife.

[Anchor, let me guess, do we want to eat corn poles?]

[Do you still need to guess? It's clear at a glance!

[You don't have to take it home to cook it, eat it raw on the site? Anchor, you successfully aroused my curiosity.]

Under the high-definition lens, Azure cleaned the corn stalk, hung off the stains on its skin with a knife, and then rinsed it with water. She regarded the corn stalk as three sections, handed it to Time and Ji Hanchen respectively, and left the last section to herself.

"Like this, tear off the outer skin of the corn stalk with your teeth and eat the juice inside it."

The robot beside Wei Lan has referenced her behavior just now and cleaned up several corn poles for the audience in the live broadcast room to taste.

[It's so delicious! The corn pole is crispy and sweet, and there is a unique sweet taste in the juice.]

[Confession anchor, can you put this kind of corn pole on the barren star special product store?]

[The holographic data can no longer satisfy my stomach. I want to eat tender corn and fresh corn poles crazily.]

Even Ji Hanchen and Shiguang were stunned by the fresh food in their hands. They originally thought that these bare corn poles would be dried and regarded as steaks. Who knew that the corn was full of treasures, and even the poles could be eaten.

"When you taste the taste of sugar cane in the future, you won't think the corn pole is delicious. I will send the information about sugar cane to my status. Interested viewers can go and have a look. Since you like it, there will be one more corn pole for the new product on the shelves tonight. In order to ensure the freshness of the food, I will send you the uncleaned corn poles. After receiving the goods, you can clean up and eat them by yourself according to the steps just now.

Wei Lan patted the scum on his body, said goodbye to the audience, and ended today's live broadcast.

As soon as she survived, she sweated finely on her forehead, but her whole body was in a very good mental state and she would not feel tired.

She has been well-conditioned recently, and her body is slowly getting better.

"Let's go home. Let's have a corn banquet for you at noon today."

When I broke the corn just now, Azure Blue has drawn up today's noon menu: corn sparerib soup, Jinsha corn, honeycomb corn, shrimp fried corn.

After harvesting a batch of tender corn today, Azure decided to use all the remaining corn to keep corn seeds and expand the planting area of corn. Corn is a good thing. Dried corn is a good food whether it is used to make popcorn or grind it into corn flour.

For the time when he has never worked in manual labor, today's experience will become the most profound scene in his memory.

He broke one corn cob after another with his own hands, put them in a compressed pocket that could keep fresh, and sent them to the central star domain.

On the way, he couldn't wait to call his brother and excitedly talked about his experience of breaking corn. He also said that he had sent back all the fruits of his labor. Please be sure to taste it.

Shi Xi saw the red and healthy color on his brother's face for the first time, and he suddenly was grateful to Azure and the monarch.

Thinking of his younger brother's recent progress in programming, Shi Xi's smile is a little more adogive.

The three of them returned to the blue mobile cabin, and it was already twelve o'clock at noon. Xiaotuanzi rushed over first and grabbed the legs of the blue trousers. He overslept again today. When he woke up, the blues had gone out.

Wei Lan did not pick up Xiao Tuanzi. She rubbed his head soothingly.

"Good boy, go and play first. My sister will make something delicious. It will be fine soon."

The little guy seemed to be able to understand the blue words. He reluctantly loosened the blue trousers and found a corner in the kitchen to lie down and wait to see the blue cook.

At home, Uncle had already stewed the sparerib soup according to the order of Weilan. Azure only needs to wash and dry the fresh corn they brought back, cut it into small pieces and put it in the soup.

On the dining table, Ji Hanchen and Shiguang were peeling tender corn kernels, and A Kai was set aside, and the movements in their hands seemed to be slow.

However, the two did not mind, but seriously fought with the tender corn cob in their hands, trying to peel out the neat and round corn kernels.

During this period, Azure came to the table to take a tender corn kernel to make Jinsha corn.

Some time ago, the salted eggs were just in handy. Azure took three salted egg yolks, steamed them in a pot, and then crushed them with a spoon.

There is no starch at home. Weilan replaced it with the flour that Ji Hanchen asked someone to make a few days ago. Wash the corn kernels and drain the water, and mix it with a little flour evenly. Put more oil in the pan. When the oil is 70% hot, add the corn kernels stained with dry starch, fry until golden, and then pour the oil into the pan.

With the sound of frying, a unique sweet taste of corn spread in the air.

At high temperatures, vegetable oil collides with fresh tender corn kernels, arousing a mouth-watering fragrance.

Pour out the excess oil in the pan and leave a little base oil. Blue pours the crushed salted egg yolk into the pan and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the fried corn kernels, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of pepper, stir-fry evenly, and put them on the plate and put them out of the pan.

Time and Ji Hanchen, who had peeled the corn, followed the fragrance and walked into the kitchen and saw the golden golden corn wrapped in salted egg yolk in Weilan's hand.

"Brother Ji, please help me bring the dishes to the table."

Azure turned around and handed over the golden sand corn to Ji Hanchen, and the other two honeycomb corn and corn fried shrimp were also served in the pot one after another ten minutes later.

Time helped to put the rice in the bowl, and his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the honeycomb corn, especially the sweet taste of this dish, which made him swallow his saliva several times.

"Okay, let's have dinner!"

The last pair of ribs and corn soup was delivered. Wei Lan raised the chopsticks in his hand and said to Ji Hanchen and Time.

Jinsha corn is salty and crispy, and the burnt fragrance on the outside is mixed with the sweetness inside the corn. It is so delicious that it can't stop.

Honeycomb corn is beautiful in the shape of honeycomb. It is crispy in the mouth, sweet but not greasy. You can obviously taste the tender corn when chewing.

Time ate two bowls of rice and drank two bowls of soup before stopping. He unconsciously burped, and today he was full again!

They ate all the three dishes and one soup, and the small dishes with a platter. Uncle cleaned up the table and went to the kitchen with empty plates and empty bowls.

"Do you think it's a little tied to eat only corn?"

"Not at all!" Ji Hanchen took the lead in answering, "Today's noon corn banquet is delicious!"

"I don't feel tired either. The corn is so delicious that I won't get tired of eating it every day." Time has got the corn recipe from Azure, which is sent to his chef, and let him make it for his brother after receiving the corn.

All three of them were so full that they simply sat at the table and chatted for a while.

The software engineer assessment has been completed. Time selected 16 engineers from the 8,000 engineers registered to assist him in the development of Oasis software.

It happens that there are four modules on the oasis, each of which is assigned four R&D personnel to promote the R&D progress of each module under the leadership of time.

"The research and development of plant modules and delicious kitchen modules has entered the test process. My suggestion is that Oasis software can be put on the shelves in advance without waiting for all four modules to be made." Time casually opened the light screen and showed the results of his work to Wei Lan and Ji Hanchen.

At present, countless food anchors and planting anchors have emerged in the Star Network Live Room. Although they are far less famous than Azure, they are unconsciously being separated from the traffic of Azure Live Room.

Ji Hanchen has more detailed data in his hand. Due to the driving of Azure, more than half of the live broadcast room is about food, planting and breeding. The emergence of Azure has changed the live broadcast structure of the Star Network Live Room and compressed the living space of entertainment anchors.

Wei Lan carefully looked at the staged research results of Time and said, "Time, you did a good job!"

"This is not my credit alone. My brother drafted a big framework for me, and later we recruited a group of powerful software development engineers. Without their help, there would be no results you see now.

Time is embarrassed to snat the results. He has learned a lot in his communication with these engineers.

"Blue, I propose to keep this group of engineers. After Blue Star is upgraded to a satellite, you can try to send them an invitation. In my opinion, they must be willing to settle in Blue Star.

In the cognition of time, talent is one of the most important resources of a planet.

The Blue Star under construction will eventually welcome its first batch of residents. If the 16 of them can stay, they will definitely provide more help to Azure.

Software engineers will do it, but it's not just software programming. They can also participate in the construction of the residential system of Azure.

"Thank you for your suggestion. I will contact them when I come down and ask them what they think. After the successful test of Green Plant and Delicious Kitchen Module, you can give me a few experience accounts first, and I will send them to my colleagues in the research institute to ask if they have any suggestions. I agree to put Oasis on the shelves in advance, but one problem is very important. Oasis software should be absolutely safe and reliable. Have you ever thought about the problems you may encounter or points of being attacked by others?

After listening to Wei Lan's words, Ji Hanchen couldn't help but look at her more.

She seems to have grown up and is more comprehensive and rational about problems than before.

Time recorded the question just raised by Azure and responded, "I can send you the experience account tonight. Just ask software experts to help me make sure that our consideration is not missing. About the security issue you mentioned last, I am communicating with my brother. We are going to set up a layer of protection code for the oasis to ensure the financial and information security of all users.

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