#5 Frerard (fluff)

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Frank's pov

I sat up and looked over at the time. 2:37am. I yawned as turned and realize Gerard wasn't in bed. I got up and went to our living room. "Gerard?" I called. I sighed as I saw him sitting at on our balcony. I went to sit down beside him. He didn't acknowledge me at all as I shifted my chair closer to him as he rested his head on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked, patting his head and pulling him closer to me. He didn't say anything as he continued to smoke. I thought he'd stopped. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol and drank it. He looked down, but I lifted his chin to look at me. He was clearly drunk and had puffy eyes. He'd been crying. Gerard has always struggled with alcoholism and smokes a lot. He keeps telling me he's stopped, but I know he hasn't. He smokes when I'm not around, or atleast when he thinks I'm not. He passed me the cigarette he was smoking as I put it to my lips. I smoke too, but not a lot. We sat in silence, passing each other the cigarette every 1 minute. We sat there for what felt like 5 minutes before he finally spoke, "I'm sorry." His voice was shaky as he sat up. He sniffled as I gently put his head back on my shoulder, wiping his tears away. "It's okay baby, it's okay. You're okay. Don't worry," I repeated as I hugged him tight. He hugged me back as he cried on my shoulder, sobbing. I kissed his head, assuring him everything was going to be okay. He looked up at me, tears rolling down his face as he rubbed his eyes. I grabbed his wrist to pull his hand away, but he just hissed, smacking my hand away. "Gerard?" I asked frantically. "I-I'm sorry.." he cried, breaking down. I cupped his face and wiped away his tears, kissing his cheek, "It's okay, talk to me."

Gerard's pov

I gulped as Frank held my hand, waiting for me to do or say something. He's always so patient with me, I don't deserve him. He looked at me worriedly as I picked up the bottle of alcohol. I was about to drink it, but he snatched it from my hand and put it away. "Pleasee.. just one more sip and I'll stop I swearrrrrrrr..." "No more Gerard." "Hmph..." I looked away from him, but he cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I rolled my eyes as I kissed him back, god I love him. "Fine.." I mumbled as he smiled. I smiled back at him as I leaned in to kiss his cheek. His smiled faded immediately when he looked down. I looked down and realized the blood had bled through my jacket, fuck. He looked up at me, his gaze softening. I pulled my sleeves up, letting him see my scars and fresh cuts. He looked disappointed, seeing how deep I've cut. He got up and left without a word. Was he mad at me? Or disappointed? I got scared as I quickly pulled my sleeve down. What had I done? I looked down as I kept hitting my head with my fist over and over again. Im so stupid. I was startled when he put his hand over mine. I looked up to see him kneeling infront of me. "Please Gerard," he pleaded as I put my arm infront of him. He carefully rolled my sleeve up, bandaging my wrist. He did the same for my other wrist before kissing them. He planted soft kisses all around, not wanting to hurt me. He pulled my sleeves back down and leaned in closer, kissing me again. "I love you." "I love you too baby, now let's go back to bed okay?" "Okay." He cleaned up the mess before coming back. He picked me up, carrying me back to bed.

"I can walk you know?" "No you can't, you're drunk you idiot." I giggled as he slowly put me down on our bed. "But you're my idiot," he chuckled as he kissed my forehead. He pulled the blanket over me as he got in bed. I pulled him closer, snuggling up with him. He wrapped his arms around me, smiling at me. He always made sure I felt comfortable and safe around him. As long as I was in his arms, I always felt a sense of safety and love. "Goodnight my love." "Goodnight," I yawned as I smiled back at him before slowly drifting off to sleep.

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