Happy reading buddies 📚


Angad's pov

As I went to the warehouse I saw rudra smirking " I did my part now they are at your mercy " I looked behind him with a deadly gaze and saw every one tied to the chair and bleeding heavily .

The moneylender who was untouched  was tied to the chair and was trembling in fear after witnessing the torture of his  men " Have you arranged the footage "  I asked Rahul

He brought the tab and I showed him how he tortured the girl for his own pleasure and then left her there to die
I got up and took pilers first and went towards him " Explain why did you do it " I questioned in pure anger . " And don't  try to lie to me  or I will kill  you right now " I growled at him my eyed were red due to anger

" The girl's parent took money from me but were unable to give back on time so I told my men to kidnapp their daughter  " as he completed his words I pulled one nail of his fingers he screamed in pain as tears were coming out of his eyes that didn't affect me at all.

"Then what happened " I asked as I trace the piller closer to his next finger
"I..I  t..tortured her " He confessed I pull out his second nail effortlessly and smiled seeing him in pain

"How did you tortured her" I asked gritting my teeths " I.. I hit h..her with leather b...belt " . My eyes darkened " how old was she "I asked . " fou..fourte"

"Yes fourteen only fourteen "I completed his sentence . I pulled all his nails one by one he screamed at the top of his lungs. "There should be an equal balance right. " I asked is pure anger and disgust in my eyes for this man " open your mouth" I ordered . He shook his head in fear 

" Open his mouth " I ordered my man he came forward and forcefully opened his mouth . Rudra was shooting all the sweet deeds I was doing to him .

After his mouth was wide open I pulled four of his teeth and one of them were  gold he fainted after immense pain . I am going to give back people what they deserve . As God has forgotten to return the karma of some people so I'm doing his part of work . I was satisfied by my work .

I said to one of my men " when they gain consciousness burn them alive " . He looked at me in disbelieve expression
" If you can't do it tell me now " Rudra said in an annoyed tone " No sir I will do it " he said .

I cleaned my self " Did anyone have family beside this moneylender " I  asked Rahul he looked at them and said " only two of them are married " Rahul informed . " make sure that their wifes don't have any problem all their life " "And send a scholarship to his daughter from our college " I said indicating to the money lender . I drove back to my home . And laid on my bed with all the stress inside my head I slept.


Kiara's pov

I was giving final touch to my portrait my phone ringed I saw it was our dean Mr D' souza I frowned my eyebrows in confusion as it was really late and usually he don't call me this late . I answered my phone.

Mr D'Souza: " Hellow miss Awasthi I hope I didn't disturbed you "

Kiara : " No sir you didnt, but why did you called " I asked in confusion.

Mr D'Souza : " I called to inform you that  the exhibition will be prepone to day after tomorrow and if you still haven't finished your portrait then do it "

Kiara: " Sir the portrait is ready only some finishing touches are left to be done. " I assured him .

I ended the call after some important discussion about the exhibition. I let out a tired sigh " ughhh finally, after the hardwork of 10 weeks , i can relax " I said in tiredness and stretch my back I Crack my knuckles . As I left the fresh paint to dry .

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