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Angad's pov

"How the fu**k is this possible are you guys sure that this file was in her room's wardrobe not that Awasthi?" I asked them to confirm my doubt and they both nodded to my quetion . I couldn't belive my eyes what I'm seeing infront of myslef .

"How the hell Malhotra Family's file is with Prisha and why did she kept it so secretively hiding it in her wardrobe does she have any connection with the Malhotra that I'm not aware with. I asked myself .

"When our men went there to bring Prisha's stuff from her house they found this and they quickly informed me about this" Rahul said . I nodded and my mind was blank don't know how to process this new information , how should I react to this . I can't even ask her about this directly .

"I need every missing details of Malhotra Family in two days find every small detail and don't miss a single detail guys. And don't tell this to anyone yet not even any of your men I want it to be  a confidential detail for now .

I try to join the dots to form a picture of what's going on and somewhere I know what are the possibilities but I don't want it to be true . I took out my laptop and started my search . And the security system indeed is very tight of Ml (Malhotra) industry. I need to work day and night to unfold this mystery.

After sometime I came across an old article that shows the chairman of Malhotra industry gave their daughter to adoption when they were in a scandal of drug dealing. And that time it was not confirmed if the child is still alive or not . I show the article to both of them and they have the same reaction that I had when I came across with this article.

"What if -" I stopped midway and took a deep breath before saying "what if she is the girl and shankar Awasthi adopted her back then from that adoption centre" I said to them and they nodded. "I think Malhotra family pay for Prisha's expenses to Awasthi every month that can be a possible reason" Rudra said folding his arms to his chest "Let's find out itself with that fucking bastard. I said furiously standing up from my seat and took my car out to go to my warehouse.

We three reached there with my blood shot eyes glared at Awasthi and slapped across his face he laughed seeing me angry. But all the colour of his face flew away when I open my mouth "Prisha Awasthi ohh sorry Prisha Malhotra is in my house ." I said he looked at me with fear in his eyes "What did you think that if you won't open your mouth I can't find out the truth but you are highly wrong . You wanted to know who I am right? So I will tell you exactly who I am ."

"Do you still remember Virendra Singhania the leader of the Mafia group 'Black Inferno ' you must not forgotten him I know that he was , actually he still is the lion of underworld and  I'm just looking after his throne." I said and now I am confirmed that he is Hella scared of the revelation

"A...are y...you his s...s..son-" I didn't even let him complete his sentence when a hard punch landed on his jaw "Yes he is my father I'm Angad Singhania " I said with a dominating voice that made him gulp hard . "Now open your mouth only if you have any useful information to give us or else keep your gutter mouth closed."

But he started laughing like a maniac
"It's the end of the month and if Malhotra sir found out that I'm missing or that useless girl is missing he will hunt you down like he did to your father hahaha" my blood boiled after listening to his words. "I wanted to spend a memorable night before killing that slu-"
*punch* "how" *punch* "dare" *punch * "you" . I keep punching his face untill his nose and mouth started bleeding Rudra and Rahul stopped me from actually killing this bastard. "Get him to the chamber and torture him untill he is ready to use his mouth for reaviling the truth and if he's dead feed the body to dogs" I said with a dead tone before going out of the warehouse.

"One thing is confirm that Virendra uncle is with Malhotras only" Rahul said and I nodded and went to my car I sat down and screamed my lungs out "arghhhhhhhh" I punched the steering wheel hard. His words are echoing in my head . Making me more anxious and angry.

I started driving my car to my the college . I wanted to see her take her in my embrace to make me feel alive again When I saw her in that state that night when this bastard tried to touch her I felt an unknown fear in my heart that I never felt before . I wanted to protect her at any cost.

I wasted no time to park my car near college parking lot and wen inside the college to look for her but I couldn't find  her I saw my wrist watch it was time for her cafe maybe she is there. I quickly drive towards the cafe. I parked my car there as I was going to open the transparent glass I saw her helping the old couple with the coffee .


Author's pov

As Angad observed Prisha, he couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lit up when she laughed or how her smile seemed to bring warmth to his usually stoic demeanor. He found himself drawn to her in a way he had never experienced before, and the more he spent time with her, the more he realized that his heart was slowly but surely falling for this captivating woman.

As she was working she made a messy bun of her hair and Angad was observing her keenly. She unknowingly cool down Angad's burning heart . Throughout her smile , her eyes , her voice everything was captivating him more and pulling him towards her he wanted to be with her forever and destroy everything and everyone who tried to hurt her. He was ready to sacrifice himself for her for her happiness.

As Angad thought about his own feelings, he began to question what Prisha felt for him. Was he just another guy to her, or did she also harbor the same deep emotions that were stirring within him? Everytime he tried to put on his usual cool facade, he found himself lost in her presence, unable to keep up the act for too long. What was this woman doing to him? .

He chuckled as the coffee got spilled in the counter and she bite her tounge in between her teeths she looked around to see if someone is watching or not she quickly clean the counter and act like nothing happened. He shook his head at her clumsiness and put his hand in his heart patting it softly and whispered to himself, "cosa stai facendo al mio cuore, tesoro" he said and smiled.

(What are you doing to my heart, my treasure)


Here's the end buddies

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Finally our Angad realised that he is in love with his Tèssoro. 😁

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