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Happy reading buddies 📚


Prisha's pov

We were going back from the field trip and Angad was a little open with me he casually looked at me and talk to me but it was a little confusing that he keep asking me about some important thing I have in my house. That is close to me I denied him after that he never asked me again and became  a little cold.

The last day of this trip and everyone were clicking photos together we too ckicked some no actually a lots of photos for memories preeti brought a Polaroid camera I secretly clicked some pics of Angad when he was busy in some works and when he was indulge in his phone with a frown on his forehead now I know that it's his habbit that whenever he is concentrated on his phone he frown.

We were getting ready to go back to the city but our teacher told us that we have some emergencies so we have to wait for few hours I looked at my belongings when I thought to draw some  thing dedicated to this trip .I take out my  art supplies and my little canvas that I bring everywhere . I wet my brush in water and traced the drawing in the white sheet of the canvas I played a song on my phone

Ban ke titli dil uda , uda , uda hai
Kahin dur  chal ke Khushbu se Juda
Juda ,Juda hai kahin dur

I listen to the song and paint the light blue colour on the canvas I hummed the lyrics  and stroke my brush . Before coming to this place I  informed my friends and they will call me when we will be ready to leave untill then I was peacefully doing my painting. I was making a collage where everyone was . It was like a memory bulletien when we look at this collage portrait .


Angad's pov

I was finding signal because the blueprint of Malhotra Mansion is not loading , I came little far from our camp  site I heard someone humming in their soothing voice I followed the sound and saw Prisha plugging in her earphones and humming a tune she was painting a collage drawing of our trip I stood their leaning on a tree admiring her dedication and skill to effortlessly stroking her paintbrush to the canvas .

I was looking at her when my phone rang "Angad come to the campsite we are ready to depart" Rahul told me I hummed and at the same time she too packed her things and started to go towards where everyone was. I saw she was satisfied with what she made a pleasant smile was there too on her face unknowingly I smiled too seeing her smiling. "Cafe girl what are you doing to me" I whispered to myself and also headed towards the campsite .

When I reached there I saw people are going inside the bus and my friends were waiting for me . The teacher did the attendance and we too settle down in the bus. I quickly took the window seat beacuasd I don't want to be thier pillow like last time. When I look outside I saw Preeti and Alia were anxious and were discussing something with the teacher I slide my window to hear then clearly.  "She told us that she was going to paint and will return when it's time to go I called her but her phone is now unreachable." Preeti told the teacher hearing her I too step out of the bus . "What happened?" I asked them "Prisha is missing , we just talked to her she said she is coming but now her phone is unreachable"

But i saw her coming to this side how is this possible that she didn't reach here before me. "Okay don't worry I will go check on her." I messaged my friends to look after her friends and went to the restricted area where we were before.  First I went to the place where I saw her last time . I quickly scan the place and there was no trace of her . I shouted her name "Prisha" my voice echoed. I only hear my voice in return .  I went  a little deep into the forest and I could hear someone sniffing and crying . I found her clutching her phone to her chest and crying .

A  sigh of relief escaped my lips and I went near her and tapped on her shoulder she flinched and slowly turn around . Her puffy eyes and red nose indicate that she has been crying for almost 10 to 15 minutes . She saw me and immediately hugged me I stumbled back when she crashed herself to me . I was taken aback when she hugged but hearing her crying voice I wrapped my hands securely around her . She  cried into my chest "I...I was going to..towards the campsite b..but I saw a bunny a...and followed it and lo..ost my wayyyyy." She told me everything and I suppressed my laugh at  how cutely she is crying and narrating me everything innocently. "My phone is also not working" she sobbed again I can feel my shirt is drenched in her tears I pulled her away and wiped her tears . I was going to scold her at her stupid act but hold myself back when I saw her pouting and clutching my shirt's  end so that she don't get lost again .

"Don't cry I found you right and we will find a way out of this place alright" I consoled her and she nodded still sobbing a little. I smiled lookingvat her puffed face. "Why did you follow the bunny when you knew we are going to leave?" I asked her. "That bunny was injured and weeping it's leg has thorns and was struggling to hop so I helped and wrapped it's leg with some leaves when I thought to return I found that I lost my way." She answered me I nodded and we came and she ran to her friends and thay also hugged her and  she again cried  in their embrace.  she is such a cry baby .

She again narrated her story to her friends and when the teacher told them to get on the bus she came running to me "Thankyou so much Angad if you didn't come to find me I would still be there." I looked at her and she was looking at me with stars in her eyes. I always say that I'm emotionless and I don't feel anything towards anyone except the people who are close to me but I don't know why but the walls I made around my heart was getting weaker when I'm around her .

She looked at me with a grateful smile I just nodded and went near my bus she was looking sad that I didn't act like she expected.  And trust me Prisha don't get close to me that lt will only harm your innocent and pure soul and I want to be the last person to destroy your innocency.


Here's the end buddies

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