Chapter 12

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Dérion POV

"KORDAY CHRISTOPHER HARRIS, we home!" yells Cali loud mouth self.

"WE IN THE KITCHEN!" The twins run to Day while Day run to the twins like a five year old. I'm not understanding how they gonna ever have any stability in this house when both they parents act their age.

Anyways while the ladies were out me and Day ended up going to the trap to talk to this nigga Battle.

I'm not gone lie I thought I was speaking to lucifer himself. He kinda looked like him too his face was really red, he stuttered really bad and he was sweating bullets. I think he was going through drug withdrawal since he was sitting in that chair for a while.

The way he spoke about Brooklyn really showed me why Brooklyn woke up in the middle of the night screaming.

He didn't give not one fuck about her. Saying the little bitch deserved to be raped, and she was suppose to be aborted. Then said if he could do it all over again he would but this time he wasn't just gonna watch. 😤

When I say I punched the shit outta his mouth. Smh. I hit him so hard his two front teeth fell out. Like how can you talk about your child like that?, she was never asked to be brought into this world that was all your doing. Bitch, you fucked her momma didn't you??

I almost snapped his neck until C.B. pulled me back and started asking him more questions. It was weird because C.B. spoke to him like he knew him. I need to talk to C.B. bought that later tho.

When it was all said and done we got no where but I'm not through with him just yet so I sent him to sleep with the dogs.

At the trap we got two big ass Rottweilers. They bite ALOT but they don't kill.

Me personally, I don't like them, they belong to Korday. I only use them to get the job done which they always do. By tomorrow, Battle will be ready to sing like a Conairey.

"My boys!" Korday was squatted at their level hugging both at the same time.

"Daddy look!" Kadeem says handing his Toy Story book bag to Korday. He unzipped the bag and took out a painting of all type of colors with his name all over it.

Korday takes the picture and starts fanning his face like he was holding back tears. "Yall my son a artist, Picasso got nothing on my boy. Daddy gonna put this right on the fridge, k" he nods his little head "K"

"Uncle Ri!" both of them came running to me one was hugged up on my left leg and the other was on my right. They can't say Dérion or Rio so they call me Ri.

"My lil shooters" I said rubbing their dreads, since I couldn't move. "Uncle Ri, can I get two dollars?" Kendrick asked. I started reaching in my pocket

"Two dollars! what you need two dollars for?" I said handing it to him.

"I want candy and mommy said she not giving me nothing no more" he said pouting.

"And why did she say that?" he shrugged his shoulders. "You stop that lying Kendrick, gone head and tell yo uncle and ya daddy why I said that"

"Ok fine mommy geez" he said rolling his eyes and putting his arms behind his back😂. "So I kinda kissed Emily today and I kinda smacked her butt. She pushed me and ran to Miss Rose saying I gave her my cooties, I kinda lied-"

"Kendrick say you "kinda" one more time" Cali pointed her finger in his face.

"Sorry mom" he spoke while looking down. "I lied to Miss Rose and said she kissed me and we both got in trouble."

"Damn!! my son a cassanova haan it run in yo genes boy ask ya uncl-" Cali had her hand on one hip and the butcher knife in the other. She mouthed to Day "say something else." Day immediately started coughing obnoxiously.

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