Chapter 31

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Brooklyn's POV

Oh shit shit. Ouch. Fucking grease. This is why I hate frying chicken that fucking grease always trying to pop your skin off.

I only have one more piece to fry and it wanna act complicated. Oh let me not forget my mash potatoes over there bubbling. I grabbed my spatula mixing the bubbles out. I head to the fridge to find some powder sugar to top of my banana cream pie. Yes yes I looked up a few recipes and lo and behold I'm chef Gordon.

I don't even know why I'm cooking. I'm most likely going to have a empty house tonight. Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I was kinda hoping if I cooked today he might show up. I just hope I won't be eating alone.

Bzz Bzz Bzz

Who could that be at this time of night. I said looking at the clock on the stove that read 9:48 p.m.

Oh it's probably just Tori she always get hungry around this time and come here to eat. Well at least I won't be eating alone. I walked up to the door and unlocked the doors before I could see who it was someone pushed me to the ground. I screamed and tried to run for the bedroom put he grabbed me and punched me in my eye.

"GET OFF ME LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed so loud it's a wonder I didn't wake all of Africa up.

He slapped me in my mouth "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" he screamed. He began unbuckling his pants with one hand while trying to keep me still with the other. I tried kneeing him in the nuts but that didn't stop him.

"Yo is it anybody else in here" he screamed to his partner. "Nah nah the coast is clear, yo mean watch you doing?"

"I'm bout to get me some of this I'm backed up bruh."

"Yo boss said if we fuck this up like we did the last one he gone personally kill us hisself. Just come on!"

"Aight give me five minutes just stand guard outside"

"Bruh... I on think this a good ide-"

"JUST STAND OUTSIDE DAMN!!" he shook his head and walked out the door. I started crying and I tried to scream louder when he ripped up my dress. He punched me in my face again

"I SAID BE QUIET" I still kept wiggling to get him to stop. He tried to touch me but I kept my legs shut. I don't know how but I got a little strength to kick him when he tried to kiss me. I guess he got upset cause he repeatedly punched me in my face. When he went to try again I heard a loud gun go off. I screamed not knowing where it came from. The masked mans entire body fell on me I pushed him off and crawled back.

Through my tear stained eyes I seen Dérion with his gun still aimed at the man he shot again to make sure the man was dead. He picked me up as I cried in his arms and led me to the bedroom. He grabbed a duffle back off the floor and just started throwing money inside quickly.

"What's going on" I said feeling terrified I sat up on the bed to look at him.

"Baby we got to get outta here, it's no time to explain I just need you to trust me on this I'll explain everything to you later. Here put this on" he threw some sweats and a big shirt.

He continued grabbing things to stuff in the bag. Five minutes later he grabbed my hand and the duffle bag.

He ran to the fridge and grabbed the ice pack there. He finished and led me out the apartment.

Outside was a tinted Escalade. He helped me up and told Manny go.

"Yo Manny everything taken care of?"

"Yes sir she was the last task"

"Aight thank you"

My eyes were still watering as I stared at my reflection threw the window. Dérion put his hands threw my dread and grabbed me so he could kiss my forehead. He took the ice pack and placed it on the bruises on my face. I hissed a little but it stopped hurting after a while when I had enough I leaned on his chest and kept crying while he wrapped his arms around me.

I just couldn't understand while people were so dead set on trying to kill me and him.

All my life since I was 16 has been hell. As a teen I should have been doing what teenagers do like going to parties having boyfriends but I was forced to grow up early. With no one to take care of me I had to take care of myself. It's like there's a creed out there that I have to be hurt in order to live on this earth. Unlike the other times at least I'm not going through this alone. I have him by my side. He's willing to do everything to protect me and just when I thought he wouldn't he still here to be my savior. Even though I have to leave my dreams of being a police officer behind I hope I can come back to it one day and I don't have to keep running from hell forever.

I let loose a long tear before I feel asleep on Dérions chest. With shut eyes lord please remove me from this jungle for a few hours.


Kinda short I know but I got y'all next time. Anyway y'all go head ands vote for that thang.

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