Memories of Another Life

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Fang POV
She looked oddly—no, painfully familiar. I was certain that I didn't know her at all. But I was also sure that I still knew her from somewhere.

I had never seen her anywhere else except in this one picture.

But still I knew her. The memories were blurry, far and distant, but I was certain we had met once before. Maybe more than once.

There was only one explanation I could think of.

Were these memories of another life? A past life that had just come rushing back to me? But if so, why? And what happened then? And who was she?

And most important of all, why did her picture suddenly show up on my desk? There was something mysterious going on, and my brain was attempting to work out the impossible.

I stared at her picture for what felt like several minutes, until my brain connected it to something.

"The one that got away," I whispered. The phrase was so familiar, yet so unknown at the same time. Just like this girl.

But it looked like was getting some help, because an avalanche of memories rained down on my pounding brain.

"What's going on?" Several voices asked in unison. But their voices were drowned out by a large boom above us, and the ceiling collapsed, raining pieces of rubble on us. Everybody darted away from the chaos, and Evan murmured a string of unintelligible words which sounded like he was speaking an ancient forgotten language. At his command, the rest of the soil collapsed and everybody rushed out from the crack to check what was going on.

"No," Janet stumbled back. "It's them..."

"Them" referred to a series of Retropolian warriors who had lined around us. And among them was Chris, the male soldier who has been stabbed by Janet a few weeks ago. He looked extremely different—he wore some sort of odd bracelet around his wrist, holding a black contraption as he eyed Janet furiously.

"It was her! She killed Alina!" He told an old man beside him.

"Shit," Janet whispered as she grabbed my arm and flew us high above. They gave chase in an odd helicopter, shooting numerous bullets at her as we soared towards Assone.

Hopefully we would make it on time.

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