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Janet POV
"This is hopeless, ain't it..." I growled, mentally cursing that son of a bitch. Byron surely deserved to die and rot in hell for all of eternity. "How the hell am I going to talk to Fang in this state? He can't hear me, he can't see me, this is really goddamn impossible."

I hovered there blankly, watching Fang read something on his tablet, trying to find some serenity before I made rash decisions. That was always one of my main shortcomings when I served in our army of sorts.

"Come on, Janet," I murmured. "You're better than that. You always know how to get yourself out of impossible situations, you can think up a solution for this...thing."

What would I call it anyways? Chasing destiny? Chasing fate? Chasing love? Chasing the one that got away?

Then finally, my brain gave me something. An idea that seemed odd, maybe wouldn't work, but was still worth a try in the end.

In his past life, Fang still had traces of his memories of the past in his mind. So now, in another life, would it be much different?

Everything truly could be.

But it was time to challenge the known, and dive headfirst into the unknown.

I popped out of the large mansion once again, speeding home as fast as I could.

That was the next phase of my plan.

Fang POV
"This is...seriously a waste of time," I muttered to myself. I was currently typing up a whole paragraph of nonsense to be featured in the Movie Magazines. It was just stupid propaganda that my father had ordered me to write.

My father was...very ambitious. Just two days ago, I had a girlfriend called Lisa. Then after that, my father had told me that I had to marry her cause of our fame on the Internet and in the Brawlywood empire. But she didn't feel like the one, so I broke up with her because I didn't want to force her and myself into a marriage when we weren't suited for each other.

She had been disappointed, but still better than I had hoped. She said she'd still be my friend, even though it could be awkward. I was glad, because she was one of my first friends from school, and I didn't want to lose that bond just because of a screwup.

My father was the slightly overly dramatic one.

That was why he had asked me to write this propaganda paragraph. To tell the media that I was still dating Lisa and was "considering the possibility of marrying her when I grew older".

Of course, Lisa and I knew our own truth. But that didn't stop him from forcing his on us.

I didn't care anyways. I knew I was going to meet the one soon.

Soon enough.

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