A Breakthrough...Or Not

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Janet POV
"He's here," I murmured to myself, still unable to believe the truth that had been avoiding me for so many years. But it, and he, was right in front of my eyes. Just one step away. One breakthrough away.

It was time to face my destiny, after such a long wait for it.

I didn't know what to feel. Nostalgic? Worried? Nervous? Hopeful? Scared?

It didn't really matter right now. All that mattered was that The One That Got Away had finally come to me, after so long.

With all the courage I could muster, I pushed through the door with my energy.

And there he was.

Fang, looking as handsome as ever, a broad smile stretched across his face, those piercing dark blue eyes, artfully mussed hair of the exact same shade...

This time, he looked much more refined, wearing a black tuxedo, a dark blue complimenting tie, and a set of diamond-adorned long pants. His watch glittered with gold, and his belt was dotted with peridots. His shoes were snug and stylish, matching the sunglasses by his table.

I was about to call out to him when I realised...

Ghosts couldn't talk to humans, or be detected at all for that matter.

And if I suddenly took on human form, I would literally get roughed up by his guards and thrown out for trespassing. And even on the unlikely chance that that didn't happen, I could only retain my form for like, two minutes without half-dying.

That was Byron's curse. He knew I would one day come back for Fang, and this would stand on the way. It was all to taunt me. To be so close, and yet still so far. To have a breakthrough, but actually not.

I should have known any seemingly nice thing Byron did always had a much deeper meaning. He was too calculating to accidentally give me a gift instead of a curse. That was how evil he truly was. Planning out every moment, of his own and even every other person's lives.

I had been foolish to believe I would succeed.

Or was I?

The One That Got Away | Fang x JanetWhere stories live. Discover now