Know Everything

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Janet POV
" can hear me?" I stammered.

"Yes, I can," Fang responded, his eyes swiveling all around the room. "But I can't see you at all."

I heaved a sigh of relief. In the end, my plan and prayer had worked. I had broken the curse—partially, at the very least. Now, it was time to let The One That Got Away know everything. Hopefully he could still remember. Hopefully he would make the choice that I wanted him to make. Hopefully...we could continue our romance once again, in another life.

After so long.

Fang whispered to me, "Hey, are you Janet? The girl on this picture by my nightstand? Were you the one who put the picture there?"

He remembered my name? Already? That was a good sign. It probably meant this wasn't impossible. We just needed to build on the foundations.

"Yeah, I'm Janet. And well, I put that picture on your nightstand because it was part of my plan," I admitted.

"What plan?" Fang asked curiously, staring right at where I was. He probably figured where I was from the sound of my voice. "No actually, can you answer my burning question? I feel like I know you very well just by looking at this picture. But I'm also certain I don't know you at all. It sounds weird, I know, but do you have any idea as to why? And also, there's this phrase in my mind that keeps on popping up. Who, or what is "The One That Got Away"?"

I grinned, even though Fang couldn't see me. He seemed to remember the basics. "Well, you want the short version, the long version or the every-single-excruciating-detail version?"

Fang didn't hesitate before he immediately answered, "I want the every-single-excruciating-detail version, no matter how long it is. I want to know everything, know every single detail. So please don't leave out anything."

My smile widened. This was definitely the old Fang I knew in my two past lives. Curious, energetic, not wanting to not know anything. So I decided to agree to his request.

"Fine," I chuckled. "So, well..."

The One That Got Away | Fang x JanetWhere stories live. Discover now