S3 EP1: E vs T

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J: Growth. Something anybody experiences, whether it be mental, physical or spiritual.

V: These two today have undergone this since their last appearance on the show, improving their ability to fight.

J: They would be Serial Designation E, subject of the God Devourer; and creator of the Seven Guardians.

V: And Serial Designation T, the deity of probability; guardian of the multiverse.

J: She's V and I'm J!

V: And today, we'll be analyzing their armor, weapons and skill to discover who would win...a Death Battle.


J: Well-

V: A rematch, huh? Is basic originality not attainable with our budget?

J: No, actually.

V: ...What was the budget even spent on?

J: You'll see.

V: ...Okay.

J: So this guy got a power-up, pretty much specifically because he wanted to win his first match.

V: Wouldn't it be funny if-

J: Shh.

V: We've covered this guy two times by now, so we'll get right to it. He can eat stuff, convert it into whatever he wants, and do a bunch of other things like melt his surroundings, spit nanites and hallucinogenic gas, reverse causality and summon a guy that can supposedly adapt to everything, absorb energy, adapt by himself and a bunch of other stuff.

J: We'll try to cover the new stuff. First off, weapons? Aside from the usual Golden Spoon he can summon, E now wears a...coat. An indestructible coat. Like, literally just indestructible, so indestructible that even SharkSans, the author of HUNGER cannot affect it...even though he created God Devourer, who created the coat, which means he should logically be powerful enough to erase it.

V: Plot.

J: Oh.

V: Well, more like an attempt to win the matchup.

J: Anyway, the coat can't be destroyed through normal means, so E can just use it like a shield to block stuff. The fur coat is not really that big though, and it should follow the laws of physics; meaning it still acts like a coat outside of durability.

V: Starting off, E now has three modes he can interchange. Strength, Defense and Speed. They amplify his own statistics as you'd probably expect.

J: Well, now, here's a big one. E can copy any abilities he has seen or heard of. Within seconds, he can replicate them pretty much perfectly. This is the basis for the rest of the abilities below. Half of these are shown by an alternate version of E that E has to fight, but as E has seen them, he should be capable of these. We'll divide them up into two sections.

V: Here we go, with abilities he has displayed so far. Something called...Unlimited Blade Works.

J: Unlimited Blade Works is kinda like Fenner's Domain Expansions, where a user creates a space that is separated from the outside world by a barrier, which then can be imbued with effects; projecting one's own soul onto the battlefield.

V: It's kinda complicated. Unlimited Blade Works is something called a 'Reality Marble', which is the source of the user's own talents or abilities. Basically, E subconsciously records every weapon he sees in his mind, storing their blueprint in Unlimited Blade Works when it's inactive.

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