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The Shinazugawa siblings all got ready for the alliance's big day. Prince Sanemi looked into the mirror. He admired his reflection in the black suit with white and dark green embroidery. The slight hint of his chest peeking through the suit added to his confidence.

Tomioka stood nearby, his eyes trying to remain focused on the door but inevitably drawn to the prince. As Sanemi turned, the piece of skin caught the bodyguard's eyes, and Giyuu couldn't help but blush slightly, the color rising to his cheeks.

Glancing over at Tomioka, Sanemi couldn't resist a teasing remark, "I can feel you staring." His tone was laced with playful arrogance.

Giyuu, caught off guard by the prince's voice, felt his cheeks flush even deeper as he averted his gaze. Tomioka cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Apologies."

The prince chuckled at Tomioka's flustered reaction, enjoying the moment of making his usually composed bodyguard blush. Sanemi remarked, "I don't mind. Let's go before his ass starts complaining."

With a final glance in the mirror, Sanemi straightened his posture. As they left the chamber, Tomioka couldn't shake the image of the prince's cocky grin and the way the suit shaped his figure. It was going to be a long day for the poor bodyguard.


The grand hall of the palace was decorated with golden drapes and shimmering chandeliers that cast a dazzling light over the crowd. The air buzzed with anticipation as nobles from far lands filled the room. The scent of exotic flowers and rich incense wafted through the air.

At the center of it all stood Prince Tengen. His coronation robes were a masterpiece, woven with threads of gold and encrusted with precious gems that sparkled like a thousand stars. A crown of complex design rested upon his head, studded with rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, each stone catching the light.

As the ceremonial trumpets blared, announcing the beginning of the coronation, a hush fell over the crowd. The high priest, draped in robes of deep crimson, stepped forward, holding the ancient scepter of the kingdom.

The prince knelt before the high priest. As the sacred words were spoken, the scepter was placed in his hands, and a wave of applause erupted from the audience, echoing through the grand hall.

Rising to his feet, Uzui turned to face the crowd, his gaze sweeping over the sea of faces. He raised the scepter high, and the room erupted in cheers and applause. Fireworks exploded outside the palace, their brilliant colors lighting up the night sky.


The celebration continued late into the night, with feasting, dancing, and music filling the halls. Performers from across the kingdom showcased their talents, from acrobats and fire dancers to musicians. The palace was transformed into a fairyland of lights and fountains, where guests danced to live music.

Prince Tengen, now King Tengen, moved among the crowd. "Pretty good, huh?" He yelled over the music to the usual group. "It's amazing!" Prince Kyojuro nodded with a toothy smile. The duchess agreed and complimented the king.

Tengen made eye contact with Sanemi and went towards him. Before speaking, the king glanced at Obanai, remembering the bet. "So have you danced?" He asked in a playful tone.

Before the prince could answer, Kanae cut in. "No! I'm trying to convince him, but he won't budge." The princess finished with a small frown. Tengen chucked, "Of course he hasn't."

Sanemi rolled his eyes, preparing to brush off Tengen's comment, but the new king wasn't having it. Uzui grinned mischievously, leaning closer to Sanemi. "Come on, it's a celebration. You can't let the night pass without a single dance."

The prince crossed his arms, his usual stern demeanor returning. "Dancing isn't really my thing." Tengen's eyes sparkled with a hint of challenge. "Maybe not, but it's a special night. Besides, it's not every day your friend becomes king. How about you make an exception just this once?"

Sanemi sighed, ready to argue further, but Uzui wasn't done yet. He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on Giyuu, who was standing a short distance away. A sly smile crept onto Tengen's face as he turned back to Sanemi. "You know, I've heard that Tomioka is quite a dancer. Why not give it a try with him?"

Sanemi's eyes widened slightly, a hint of color rising to his cheeks. "Tomioka? Really?" Tengen nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. What's the harm in one dance? It might even be... fun."

Sanemi hesitated, glancing at Giyuu. The idea was absurd, and yet, something about it made his heart skip a beat. He turned back to Tengen, who was still smiling expectantly. With a resigned sigh, Sanemi uncrossed his arms. "Fine. One dance. But only because it's your coronation."

Uzui clapped his hands together, clearly pleased. "Perfect! Tomioka!" Giyuu, who had been watching from a distance, approached at the sound of his name.

Tengen motioned to the dance floor. "Prince Sanemi here has graciously agreed to dance. Would you be so kind as to accompany him?"

Giyuu blinked, caught off guard. His eyes flickered to Sanemi, who was avoiding his gaze. The prince finally met Tomioka's eyes, a mixture of embarrassment in his expression. "Let's get this over with." Giyuu's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he nodded, taking the prince's hand.

The crowd parted slightly as they made their way to the dance floor. The music slowed, transitioning into a softer, more melodic tune. The prince took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. As they took their positions, he placed his hand on Tomioka's shoulder. Giyuu's hand settled on Sanemi's waist, his touch gentle but firm. The prince felt a shiver run down his spine. As they began to move to the rhythm of the music, the awkwardness melted away, replaced by an unexpected harmony.

Sanemi found himself relaxing into the dance, his movements becoming more fluid. He couldn't help but notice how perfectly they moved together, as if they had been doing this for years. The warmth of Giyuu's hand on his waist was exhilarating.

For Giyuu, the dance was surreal. Each step brought them closer, and he could feel the prince's heartbeat through their contact. It was both overwhelming and comforting. More intimate.

As the music swelled, they spun together, the world around them blurring into a hazy background. It was just the two of them, connected in a way neither had anticipated.

Sanemi leaned in, his breath warm against Tomioka's ear. "You're better than I thought." he whispered, his voice barely audible over the music. Tomioka's grip tightened on Sanemi's waist, his eyes searching the prince's face. A rush of redness washed over Giyuu's face.

When the music finally slowed to a stop, they stood still for a moment, still caught in the moment. Prince Sanemi stepped back, clearing his throat. Tomioka's gaze softened, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thank you for the dance, Your Highness." Sanemi nodded, holding back his own smile. "Thank you."

As they returned to the edge of the dance floor, Sanemi couldn't help but glance back at Tengen, who gave him a knowing wink. The prince rolled his eyes.

"How did you know Tomioka could dance?" Sanmei asked, realization hitting him. "Oh I made that up! But I was right!" Sanemi stayed speechless. He couldn't believe he fell for Tengen's trick so easily.

For the rest of the evening, the memory of the dance stayed with him, a reminder of the unexpected connection he had with his bodyguard. And as the night came to an end, both Sanemi and Tomioka found themselves thinking about the feelings that had been stirred within them.


This was kinda corny but I rlly like it 😛!!
Thank you for reading 💎🤍🪼!!

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