Chapter Sixteen: Rehearsal Dinner Revelations

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I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. I rub my eyes as I look over at the bedside table. I notice a muffin, yogurt, and an orange juice. I notice Aggie sitting on the bedside table in her makeshift bed that Alex made. I smile at the thought of the time Alex put into make the bed once again.

I take the food as I begin to stuff my face and turn on the tv as I eat. After I finish I stand up and walk to the bathroom and get dressed for the day. I put on a black t shirt and black shorts as I brush my hair and then my teeth. I walk back out the bathroom to Alex walking into the room in sweats and a band tee. His hair is damp as sweat is falling over his face. He looks like he's been running.

"Good morning." He says out of breath.
"Good morning to you too... what have you been up to?" I ponder raising my eyebrow.
"I just went for a run." He says as he grabs a bottle of water and begins to down it.
"Do you usually run?"
"Yeah... I haven't lately... but I should start back." He says as he crushes the empty bottle and throws it away.
"I'm gonna shower." He says as he winks at me then disappears into the bathroom.

I stand there for a few more seconds lost in my own thoughts about Alex. There's many things I don't know about him. I plop down onto the bed as I wait for Alex to get out of the shower. Why must I be so nervous about him still? I try to distract myself with the tv as I flip through the channels.

As I'm looking for something to watch I hear a knock at the door. I stand up as I walk to the door expecting it to be my dad, I open the door to reveal Ryan. He's wearing hiking equipment and a straw hat.
"Ready for the hike excursion for the Bach party? You and your buddy are invited. I'll give you time to get ready, we'll all meet at the front desk in about thirty minutes." He pats my back as he then begins to walk away.

Ryan is a 'do it all' guy according to my aunt... so him making his Bach party a hike is fitting. The door shuts behind Ryan as I walk back over to the bed and sit down. I glance at my outfit as I shrug. I didn't really bring any hiking clothes or anything... just as I'm looking down at my clothes Alex walks out the bathroom in black jeans and a plain white t shirt.

He must've brought clothes with him this time. He begins to dry his wet hair with a towel as he walks over towards me.
"So... we're invited to a hike excursion for Ryan's bachelor party..." I say trailing off.
"Okay." He says as he tosses the towel to the dirty hamper and begins to put his black converse on.

His willingness surprising me I nod as we both begin to walk out the room and towards the elevator. I see my dad walk out their room behind us in my peripheral vision.
"Cam, Alex!" He yells as we both stop and turn around to wait on him.
"A hike through a trail by the beach? I also heard there's a waterfall! I wish Cas and Claire could come... but I know they'll enjoy the spa day for the bachelorette party today."

He continues, "The rehearsal dinner is tonight as well so make sure not to be to strenuous on the hike."
We all get into the elevator as we make our way down to the front lobby where Ryan is waiting. I glance at Alex as I look at his semi dry hair falling over his face, and his sharp jawline. He doesn't even catch me this time as I return my gaze to the floor of the elevator.

The elevator doors open revealing the large, luxurious lobby as I see Ryan and a couple other guys with him.
"Hey guys! Let's get headed out." Ryan says as he hugs us and my dad and him begin to talk. Alex and I follow behind them as Alex looks distant once more. I shrug it off for now as we all get into a van. One guy begins to drive as we start down the road.

Alex sits next to me in the car as Ryan sits on the other side of me. My dad is sitting behind us. We ride in silence for a minute until Ryan begins to talk to me.
"So do you have any plans after high school?"
I think for a moment as I think about my future after high school... my mind become blank.
"Not yet..." I say trailing off.
"You have time... if you ever wanted to move out here you could work with me." He says as he smiles.

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