Chapter Ten: Party Surprises

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I walk downstairs in my ripped black skinny jeans, and band tee as I hear Alex's car pull into the driveway. I've already told my dad I'm going to Alex's... so I won't have to worry about that. All that's left is messaging Bailey. I push that aside for now as I walk out the front door and towards Alex's Sebring.

I look in his car as I see Alex sitting in the driver seat, his hair still damp falling over his face, he's wearing a plain black shirt, and black jeans. I can smell his cologne from where I'm standing.
"Here ya go Cammie." Alex hands me the clothes I let him borrow, folded neatly.
"Thanks." I say as I run inside and put the clothes on the table by the door. I come back out as I get into the passenger side.

As I sit down I glance at him once more as I can see how sharp his jawbone is from the side view of his face and how his lip tugs inwards as he puffs on his cigarette.
"You checking me out Cammie?" He asks as he glances at me, now he's eye to eye with me.
"It's okay if you are..."
"Alex... I." I say shakily, my heart beating super fast. He begins to chuckle as he starts his car and begins to drive towards Tiny's house.

He turns on the radio as he plays BMTH. I take my phone out as I decide to message Bailey the address.
"What's Tiny's address?" I ask Alex. He clenches his jaw as he sighs and tells me her address. He doesn't seem happy to tell me... I try to push the thought aside as I message it to her finally. She replies almost immediately.

Bailey - I'll be there in about a half hour ;)

My body freezes as I see her winky face. I reply quickly.

Cameron - We'll probably be there around the same time just about see you soon

I put my phone away as I listen to the music Alex has on. After a few moments of silence pass Alex turns the volume down as he clears his throat.
"Do you like my sister?" He asks bluntly.
I almost choke as I'm dumbfounded by the question. Why would I like his sister? Also, how would that be any of his business?
"No! What's your deal? You've been acting weird all day..." I say trailing off.
"No... I... just have a lot going on." He says as he scratches the back of his head.

I think about what Raven told me, about how he was seeing Kyler... is that what he's talking about? Do I even want to know? I don't push it any further as we continue to ride in silence, other than the radio. After a while we pull into Tiny's house as cars are parked all around her house. She does have really good parties. We park as we both get out and walk inside. I check my phone as I don't see any notifications.

We walk over to the back where Tiny was last time as she's sitting on the couch next to the red head Dylan guy again. They're drinking something in red solo cups... I'm assuming alcohol. Tiny hands Alex a cup as he basically downs the entire thing in one sip. My eyes shoot open as it surprises me that he did that, but I guess not really... He wipes his face as he finishes the rest of the drink.

"I'm gonna get another want another? Want one Cammie?" He asks me as he walks over to the kitchen and refills his cup from the blue liquid in a big clear bowl with fruits in it.
"Yeah I'll take a beer this time though." Tiny says as Alex reaches in the fridge and grabs a beer. He looks at me as I then speak.
"No thanks." I say as I begin to shift awkwardly on my feet. Tiny notices my anxiety as she smiles at me.

"Come sit with us Cameron. How are you?" She points to the seats across from her that are empty. She's sitting on a three person seater and across from her is a three person seater. She's sitting next to Dylan, and a pink haired girl. I sit in the middle of the couch across from her as Alex returns with his drink and Tiny's beer and sits next to me. He hands her the beer as he then sips on his drink.
"I'm good, how are you?" I say as she smiles and opens her beer and sips on it.
"I can't complain, having a pretty good time." She leans back as she then averts her attention to the doorway, causing us all to look at the doorway.

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