Chapter Two: Unexpected Turn Ons

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I wake up to the alarm clock going off loudly making my eyebrows furrow together in annoyance. I sling my hand out of the warmth and safety of my covers and hit the switch. I retreat back to my covers and sigh loudly.

I have to get up. I stand up feeling the warmth evaporate in the coldness of the room. I dress rather quickly and head downstairs for some good old captain crunch.

I walk into Cas vaping on an e-cig while starting coffee; and dad is reading the newspaper as he also eats some cereal. I reach over Cas and grab the cereal as she acknowledges my being.

"Good morning Cameron." She smiles politely. I return the smile and reply, "you too Cas." I eat in silence as the uneasy silence takes over the conversation and engulfs the awkwardness.

My phone buzzes it my pocket as I fish around to get it.

Unknown - Hey Cammie need a ride? ;)

I silently curse under my breath as I ignore the text and put him as "Jackass" in my contacts and text Jace.

Cameron - Jace what the fuck man. I have no god damn ride to school. You're worrying me bud. Text back ASAP.

I scroll through my contacts and open a new message. I'm gonna fucking regret this once again.

Cameron - Fine. Hurry up.

I roll my eyes as I send it and look back up at Cas and dad. They're still doing their early morning tasks. Cas's phone rings as she reluctantly takes it and answers it.
"This is Dr. Edwards whom am I speaking to?" A short silence.
"Yes Mr. Selman..." silence again. "No sir... yes... I can assure you." A longer silence. "I'll be there in no more than ten minutes."

She grabs her keys and a coat and kisses my dad on the lips as my nose scrunches up and I make a gag sound. Dad chuckles.
"Son... stop being a vagina."

"Dad!" My mouth leaps open as I hear the doorbell ring. I open it to see Alex standing at the door in ripped skinny jeans, a MIW band shirt and his famous black converse.

"Are you done checking me out Cammie?" He whispers close to my ear. I glare at his eyes and then soften my gaze as I snap out of it and stick my bottom lip out in a pout and grab my bag and usher him out the door.

"Someone's a bit egotistical today, eh?" I say as I wave to my dad and trail behind him to the car.
"Relax Cammie honey, you don't need to look at me like you wanna rip into me, go ahead and do it." He winks at me as he starts the engine and pulls away in a rush. I scoff.

"You're an ass Alex."
"I have one... it's pretty tight."
I stab my ear holes with my fingers and like a child, "Lalalalala lalalalala. Stop it you perverted cunt!"

He chuckles loudly as he turns the radio on and Sail plays loudly. I keep my ears plugged. Ugh.


We get to school as he parks beside Kyler Fraser; his boyfriend just for right now. He goes through guys like a baby goes through diapers. He's definitely a player, or a whore.

Alex walks over to Kyler and wraps his arms around Kyler's tiny waist as they tongue kiss softly. Kyler smiles on Alex's lip as I tense my jaw and fake gag.
"You two get a room." I storm away to homeroom as I spot Raven standing over by the water fountain with her friend. I wave her down as she sees me and her lips turn into a huge smile. I find myself smiling back.

I run over to her and plant a small kiss on her lips.
"Where were you yesterday? I missed you and was worried." I state holding her face in my hands.
"I'm sorry baby I had to pick Kevin up from school he got sick and my mom couldn't she had to work. I should've texted you I'm so sorry." She gives a sad smile. The bell for "go to homeroom now" rings as I kiss her once more. "I love you." I whisper on her lips. She giggles, "I love you too baby."


I walk into homeroom to see Alex sitting there in his seat. He came to homeroom? How wierd. That's not like him. I sit in the seat closest to the teacher and pull out my homework sheet for calculus. I feel a soft object hit the back of my head as I turn around to the class laughing. I glare at Alex as I see that he is also laughing.

I grab the piece of paper and open it.
Cameron is a fag. My mouth flies open as I return my attention to Alex. I mouth horrible words as the bell rings to leave. I storm out of the classroom embarrassed. I feel a firm hand yank me and pull me around.

"You are the last person I want to see right now Alex." I hiss.
"Woah there unicorn, calm your horn. What'd the note say by the way?"
"Oh you know. Asshole you wrote it." I yell at him.
"No I didn't. I just threw it. To fuck with you." My lips slightly part as I hand him the note. His jaw tenses and he looks away from the paper and up to me. His blue tectonic, soft eyes fiercely glow as anger rises in him.

"When I find out who wrote this I'm gonna-" I cut him off.
"No! It's fine. You don't have to protect me Alex. I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself without the help of a guy that I can barely stand."

His angry eyes turn into a more detailed, more dull shade and his jaw unclenches.
"Okay. I uh... I gotta go." He pushes softly past my shoulder as I watch him walk down the hallway. What the fuck ever.


Detention. Mr Edison. For thirty more minutes. With Mr. Jackass over here. Me, Alex, and some other misfits sit in detention as I softly tap my pencil against the wooden desk. I feel Alex's glare burning into the side of my face. I glance at him in my peripheral and slowly turn my head.

I was right. He is staring at me. My eyes burn into his as he squints slightly returning them back to normal... burning into mine. The urge to look away from him was biting at my skin but I was too frozen in shock to move.

My lips slightly part as his face softens. He looks rather comfortable now. My gaze falls on his member that has visibly risen, and my eyes widen as my mouth gapes open. I quickly look away embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Mr. Edison clears his throat as I raise my hand.
"Mr. Edison can I be excused?"
He scoffs. "Is it an emergency?"
"Y-yes sir."

He motions me to go to the bathroom and lowers back into his novel. I quickly regain my strength and deliberately walk to the door uneasy. I speed walk down the hallway as I sigh and enter the bathroom. What just happened. Is that normal. For a guy to have a boner from staring at you?

I glance at myself in the mirror. My eyes glisten as I clearly see my redden cheeks. I splash my face with water and close my eyes and breathe. Cameron calm down. You'll be okay.

I hear footsteps leading into the bathroom as I quickly turn on my heel and my eyes widen once more.
"Alex! W-what are you doing here?" I lose my balance and lean on the sink for support.

"This is the boys bathroom yah know..." he walks in closer to me as he closes up the space and is inches from me. "I'm aware. How'd you convince Mr. Edison?" I wonder trying to hide my nervousness.

"I snuck out goody two shoes. He's wrapped up in that damn book. He's naive Cammie." He starts as he glances at my lips. "Look, I'm sorry about... what... happened. I can't help it." It got silent as he said that. Was he expecting me to say something?

He continues, "You should be flattered Cammie. You're the first person ever to make me aroused over a stare." My breathe simmered down to a lower pace as my chest starts stinging.

"I-I... I should go Alex." I walk swiftly around him and down the hall back to detention. The only time I actually want to be in detention. I take my seat and put my head down. Shortly after Alex walks into the room and sits behind me. I keep my head down. What the hell is going on.

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