Chapter Seventeen: The Big Day

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I wake up the next morning to an empty room. Did Alex not come back last night? I rub my eyes as I stand up and walk towards the bathroom. I brush my hair and my teeth as I start to get dressed for the wedding. Where did Alex even go? We're in a city neither of us live in and he just disappeared. My heart races as I put in my black suit and slick my hair back a little.

I really hope he shows up soon. Anxiety falls over me as I hear a knock at the door. My dad and Cas dressed in their wedding outfits stand there as I try to fake a smile, even though I'm freaking out on the inside.
"Ready for the big day?" My dad says as I gulp and nod. As if I have a choice. It would be a lot easier with Alex here... I wince at the thought of him not being here.

"Where's Alex?" My dad ponders.
"He's umm... he went out to grab something he'll meet us there." I lie as my dad smiles.
"Alright then, let's get going."


I sit in the chair that was assigned to me as the chair that was assigned to Alex is empty. It's been an hour and he still hasn't shown up... is he not going to come? My heart begins to fall as I see a black pants leg slide into the seat next to me. My eyes shoot open as I see Alex sitting there next to me stiffening his tie.
"Sorry I'm late." He says as he clenches his jaw.

The sparkle in my eyes could almost be visible as the happiness of his presence falls over me. I smile as he gives me a small halfhearted, corner of the lip smile. He showed up... even when he's upset and doesn't know how to understand his feelings. Ryan's words come to my mind. 'If it's meant to be it's meant to be.' He didn't have to be here but he was meant to be here. I have to prove to Alex that he means more to me than he realizes.

Claps fill the room as my aunt and Ryan celebrate their marriage and walk down the aisle and all the normal wedding activities. They exchange their vows as they say their 'I Do's' the speech's now are arranged. My dad goes first as the best man as he says his speech.

"I've only met Ryan once. I've known Claire my little sister my entire life. She was a handful at some times but Claire was always a beautiful person. It took me years to realize Claire was a good person." Laughter fills the room as my dad continues.
"It took a couple times to meet Ryan to know he was a good guy." Claps fill the room as my dad concludes his speech and sits back down.

This is my chance. I stand up as I walk up to the microphone. I take the mic as everyone stares at me. I'm not suppose to give a speech... but truly this speech isn't going to be about the wedding anyways...

Stage fright fills my mind as I stare at the crowd of everyone including my dad, Cas, my whole family... and Alex. His words come to my mind. 'Don't think, just do it.' I take a deep breath as I begin to speak from my heart.

"I truly don't mean to take the spotlight from you guys... but I don't have a girlfriend. We broke up." Silence fills the room as I continue. "She cheated on me then lied to me, and made my life hell. Alex..." I say as I glance at him, his deep blue eyes are piercing straight through mine as if it's only him and I in the room.

I continue, "Alex is kind... he's intelligent, funny, and he has an enormous heart. I've never met anyone like him... that's one of the reasons I invited him." I gather up all my courage as I close my eyes and begin to 'follow my heart'.
"The other reason is because... I'm in love with him." A few audible gasps can be heard though out the crowd. I open my eyes as my cheeks redden as I see Alex is now out of his seat and standing inches in front of me.

"I'm in love with you too Cammie." He says as he stands there staring at my soul through my eyes. A few moments pass as claps can be heard throughout the room. I look around as everyone including my dad and Cas are clapping. My dad even has a smile on his face. I stand there awkwardly as Alex slides his hand into mine bringing me comfort.

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