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When the two of them got into the apartment, Instantly Serena felt depressed knowing that all of the memories she had with Aster in the apartment were long gone now. Jaden placed his hand on her shoulder softly before he looked at her sympathetically. "Don't worry, everything will be fine in time. Let's get your things and I'll let the land lord know that Aster is gone and won't be able to paid off his apartment anymore."

She nodded her head sadly. "O..Okay Jaden. T-Thank you."

She gathered her things from the living room, bathroom and the bed room before she went back towards Jaden. "I...I got everything Jaden."

"Then let's get going. I've already called the landlord and he's aware of what's going on. Leave the key in here, he'll deal with things from here."


She got the key to Aster's apartment from her key ring before she placed it on the counter top. She then looked around one last time before she left out with Jaden. Jaden took her into his apartment and she looked around. "So you do know how to keep an apartment clean." She half joked looking at the brunette male

Jaden let out a small chuckle "Hey after what happened between us I realize that you were the only one who ended up cleaning the house up that we once owned. Both Jess and I are adults and we've been acting like we're still kids, it wasn't fair to you. So...I've chosen to change myself a bit and keep things as clean as possible. I don't do half the nonsense that I once did before." He said scratching the side of his face

"I'll be the judge of that sir, but thank you for allowing me to stay here for a bit. It'll only be until I can get over Aster and get back on my feet again."

Jaden frowned and nodded his head. "Yeah...sure thing. You should probably let the others know about what you found out earlier today. That way people aren't out of the loop."

She nodded her head and sat on the couch before she took a deep breath as she took her phone out of her pocket. She went into the big group chat and removed Aster from it before she typed a lot to those she was friends with.

Serena: Afternoon everyone, I apologize that this is out of the blue. But I have some very saddening and rather depressing news to tell everyone. Aster and I ended up being part of a car collision last month, a car was speeding too much on black ice and slid right into Aster's car. I'm fine other than now having glasses on-Aster on the other hand...he is gone. We were both out of it for a month before two days ago he was dubbed dead. I never got to say goodbye to him before he was taken to the morgue. So, when I know when his funeral is I will let everyone else know just so all of you can say your peace to him. I am currently going to be staying with Jaden until I can recoup myself enough to be on my own. I am not mentally okay enough to be on my own. So please, I'd like it if people cannot say anything about Aster while around me...It still hurts a lot knowing that he's gone.

Once she finished typing what she had she sent it and just hugged her plush pig as she sobbed out once more. Jaden sat beside her and pulled her into his arms making her cry against him, he knew just how much he meant to her so he knew that it would be a long while before she would be able to be herself once more. It was ten minutes before Jaden didn't hear anything from Serena only to see that she had fallen asleep from crying so much. He let her rest on the couch as he checked the group chat only to see that more than a few people had responded to her message.

Chazz: Damn, sorry to hear that Rena. Don't feel too down it wasn't your fault. Do you know if the bastard who hit you two survived or not? If they did you can sue them for the death of Aster AND for what they did to your eyes for speeding like a dipshit on black eyes like that.

Zane: I thought it was odd that Aster and you hadn't been in contact with all of us for a month and some. Guess now we know why. Rest easy and try not to over do yourself Serena.

Jesse: Jaden she's fucking around yeah? She isn't actually in the apartment right now...is she?

Jaden looked unamused seeing that Jesse was asking about her. But he answered the message

Jaden: She is in fact in the apartment, after all the shit we did to fuck up with her. It's the least we can do for her when she's homeless and on the verge of wanting to off herself. YOU ARE TO NOT GET ANYWHERE DAMN NEAR HER UNTIL YOU APOLOGIZE TO HER! I don't give a damn that you care for her. She needs someone who'll be there at her side because they wish to comfort her not to fuck up her mind even more than it already is.

Alexis: damn you've matured, what made you change so much Jaden?

Jaden: Live with Jesse for a few months and you try to stay sane, honestly I don't know how Serena could have held on for as long as she had with Jesse and I acting like dipshits like we had been. She must have a serious tolerance for stupid or somethin'

Chazz: Taking into consideration she had to bare and grin dealing with her elder sisters AND her mother for years before being kicked out-yeah she does have a serious tolerance for stupid. How is she by the way?

Jaden: Asleep on the couch, she ended up crying herself to sleep. I don't see her having the heart to do much of anything for a while.

Alexis: Hopefully she'll be better sooner or later, I feel bad that this even happened to her.

Jaden: Yeah me too, I've never seen her this depressed before. So I am going to have to relearn how she works all over again.

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now