You're interfering

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Pov Luna:

"Well I can't stay. I've got school and I can't miss it again, i've been absent for a whole week now." I turn down Cora's offer to go out with her today. "Would you fancy coming with me?"

"Pff, me going to your school, not a chance."

"It'll be fun and besides we can cut a deal. I only go to like half of my classes and spend the rest of the time with you in the library." I put up my best smile for her hoping she'll agree.

"Fine, but i'm not socializing with anyone."

"I'm okay with that... Today's gonna be great." I go to grab my coat and throw her hers. "Let's go, I'm never late."

"I hate this already." I hear her mumble as she follows me out of the loft. I know she's only doing this cause she still feels bad for me and she knows i'm feeling down today. It's not a good day and I want her by my side to at least make it a little better.

When we got to the school Lydia was the first person to greet us, immediately coming our way when she saw us come in. "Welcome back Cora... How is my favorite sister? We missed you, school is boring without your silly comments."

"There's been better days, but i'm fine." I answer her honestly. I know she's feeling it too, but the thing is that she's a master when it comes to hiding her emotions. Me, i'm not so good. I tend to express it in anger or tears.

"Have you talked to Alli? She was pretty worried about you when you wouldn't answer any of her calls."

I indeed hadn't called her back or sent a text. I actually have been avoiding her completely.

"No, but she can survive a day without me, can't she?" I probably could have said that in a different way, but it's too late to take that back now. "She's your best friend, shouldn't she be calling you?" Okay I might have made it even worse by saying that.

"I did call her, but I wasn't the one she wanted to talk to seeing you two have a thing going on."

"Exactly, it's not your thing so stay out of it." I took Cora's hand and lead the way to the library.

Once there I look for the book I need, but in the corner of my eye I can see Cora her face and she looked full of questions. "Got it." I show her the book I was looking for.

"Human sacrifices?"

"Yup, Stiles said he thinks that's what's going on, so I promised i'd read up on it a bit."

"That's why we're at the school? Couldn't you have just looked it up online?"

"Of course, but books are better and I wanted to get out of the loft for a bit." As I answer her I could tell something was still bothering her. She clearly wanted to ask me something and now it's starting to bother me. "Just ask."

"Ask what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Cora. I know you better than I know myself so just ask what you really wanna know."

She lets out a deep breath whilst turning in her seat to be facing me. "What was all that about with Lydia? You seemed frustrated?"

"It's nothing."

"It's something."

"She's just sticking her nose in things that don't concern her."

"I could understand her point of view tho. You're her sister and Alli or whatever her name is is her best friend." She said which doesn't make much sense to me. She doesn't know the situation so she can't possibly understand it.

"No, for once it isn't about her. What I wanna do with Allison is up to me and it's got nothing to do with her. I don't need to feel pressured into a relationship by my own sister, purely because she'd like it."

loving a hunter | Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now