Going All Out

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Both Phoenix and Bea have come to my place as directed to do so by Jordan. He and Jon have met up with the band for a meeting or something, he wouldn't say what exactly they were doing but that he wanted me to be here with my two best friends. Bea ordered for a takeaway for us. "Do either of you know what's going on?" I ask the two sitting beside me. Phoenix shrugs his shoulders whereas Bea tells me she has no idea. Phoenix's phone lights up. I try to look at the screen because I'm sure it's Jon but he angles it away from my sight. He stands up and goes to the laptop where it's connected to the television. Observing Phoenix, I have no doubt that he knows what's to come, whatever it may be. He doesn't seem angry or anything.

The television screen comes on and the New Kids logo shows up

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The television screen comes on and the New Kids logo shows up. "Is this a livestream?!" I ask no one in particular. All five guys appear on the screen together. Jordan, Jon and Donnie are sitting in the front with Danny and Joey in the back. Naturally, my eyes are drawn to the man I love. Donnie speaks. "Hey blockheads. Thank you for joining us on this livestream today. It has come to our attention that we need to discuss with you." He pats Jordan on the back as he shuffles forward on his seat. "Hey guys, I, I have been dealing with something that is difficult to deal with. As I'm sure you're aware by now that I have a girlfriend; Nina. She means everything to me. So to see her getting harassed, targeted and bullied is extremely upsetting for both her and myself. Anyone who knows her, will agree what a sweetheart she is, and for the first time in my life, I have found true happiness and love. To the point where I plan on asking her to be my wife in the near future. So, please, I ask for those to be kind and to refrain from such treatment towards her. When you hurt her, it hurts me." I wipe my tears away as I focus on him on the screen.

I just want to be want to be able to hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him

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I just want to be want to be able to hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him. Donnie lays his arm around his shoulders, showing him his support. It's Jon's turn to speak next. "Hey blockheads, I've had the pleasure to get to know Nina and I completely, wholeheartedly agree with what my brother has said about her. I've never seen him happier. They're a match made in heaven. If it wasn't for Nina, I wouldn't have met my own partner; Phoenix. We appreciate all of you blockheads but we can't tolerate any of our loved ones being treated like this." Even Jon looks like he's trying not to get choked up by his emotions. I hold my hand out for Phoenix. "I wasn't expecting Jon to say that." he admits. "I think you and Jordan won't be the only couple who are gonna get wed." My mouth opens wide at his confession. This is huge for him to say to even think about. "We love Jordan, he's our brother, our bandmate, our friend and everything we've said about our loved ones being harassed and abused stands for all of us. We love all of you out there. Remember, it's all about love, being kind and you are all our sisters. Our blockheads. Thanks guys. Love you." Donnie ends the livestream with his speech. Just before the stream cuts off, you can see all five hugging Jordan. It warms my heart knowing that he has them by his side through thick and thin. "I thought for a minute there that Jordan was gonna propose but I guess if you didn't already know that he loves you so much, Nina. That goes for you too Phee with Jon." Bea beams as she wraps me up in a hug. Then at that exactly moment, Phoenix decides to pull us both in making us yelp out loudly causing the three of us to fall back into the sofa laughing hysterically.
Once we've gotten our breath back to normal, the curiosity is getting the better of me. "So, you." I point my finger towards Phoenix. "What did you know about the livestream?" Keeping my voice neutral. "I didn't know everything but I knew they were going to be talking about it all in the livestream as that was the best way to get through to the fans." I smile. "It's all Jordan though. He's been worried like crazy about you and he was so mad too. He couldn't stand back and not do anything to try to stop the harassment." Somehow I manage to hold my emotions together. "Right, I want to set up a romantic date for tonight to thank him. Can you two help me set it up?" I glance between my two best friends. They nod eagerly. For the next few hours, the three of us set up my home making it ready for my boyfriend to arrive. It's the least I can do for him to show him how much I love, adore and appreciate him.
Phoenix walks back into my apartment with his arms loaded up. Just as he's about to reach my kitchen, there's a knock at the front door. Bea opens the door to be met by the brothers. Jordan heads straight towards me enveloping me in his arms. "Right, we'll err... get going and leave you love birds to enjoy the evening." Phoenix rubs the back of his neck as he glances around the room at us all. I stifle myself from laughing as I sneak a little glance at Jordan who looks confused. Bea rushes Jon and Phoenix out before shooting me a wink as she walks out of my apartment. "Okay, what was all that strange behaviour about, baby girl?" I giggle quietly in his arms. I take a step back and I take off my long cardigan.

(My outfit when I'm in my wheelchair)

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(My outfit when I'm in my wheelchair).
I bite my lip as I watch Jordan's eyes widen while they scan all of me in. "You look beautiful, Nina." I blush. Bea helped me to dress up. "Are you hungry?" I ask him as he helps me to the kitchen. "Wow, you've been busy, but what is this all for?" I take the chair that he's pulled out for me. "I wanted to thank you for everything. Phoenix followed your orders and the three of us watched the livestream. Phee went out and sorted the food whilst Bea helped me look like this." I gesture to myself." His face brightens up more the more he gazes at me. I watch him stand up, stalks round to me and pulls me up. His warm, full lips are on mine. I always lose myself in his kisses. One of his hands caress my face to my neck while the other one gently roams my lower back. When his hand cups my bum cheek, and I step closer to him. Before we get too carried away, I finally pull back. "Let's have our food first." He quickly kisses me before going to see to the food.
"Why don't you sort this lot out and I'll just nip in my room for something..." I'm hoping he'll follow my suggestion so that I can light up the candles and fairy lights to create the romantic mood. Ten minutes later and I'm calling him in. I'm sitting on the edge of my bed waiting when Jordan opens the bedroom door. I watch as his gaze roams around and then finally settles on me.

"You've really gone all out tonight, baby

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"You've really gone all out tonight, baby. Look how sexy you are. Is this new?" His long fingers softly trailing down from my shoulder, over my bust onto my abdomen and slowly rounding to my backside. "You're an amazing man, Jordan. So loving and protective. You're fun yet super smart. You can be hilarious yet very sexy. The way you have handled the situation with the fans which I understand can't have been easy in the slightest, it makes me feel so thankful and privileged to be able to call you my boyfriend. So yeah, I've gone all out for you because it's the least of what you deserve." My words spill out honestly and straight from my heart. I don't know who made the first move but after that, we spent the entire night lost in each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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