Chapter 25 - Sleep

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It's the way this concept art has an absolute chokehold on me, the heterochromia, the hair, the piercings, I love it

Chapter Song Rec: Come Through by The Weeknd


"It's...cozy." You said, looking around the place as Hobie led you in, a slightly sheepish smile on his face. "What? Too messy for you?"

"No, no!" You said, hands up defensively. "No, of course not! I's...uh- four people live here??" You asked, a little taken aback as you looked around the tiny flat, not an inch of bare floor in sight. The place was filled to the brim with things, little bean bags a corner, probably the 'living room', with a little area for the kitchen and a couple of mattresses piled on the other side of the room to sleep on. There were a few old couches with a dark rug, and posters lining the walls. 

"Five, actually. We've also got Karl's boyfriend, Robbie, but he's not here right now. Off in Brighton somewhere." Hobie said with a grin, leaning against the wall to look at you while the others settled in. Kamala was animatedly showing Harry around while he followed her like a lost puppy. Riri and Karl seemed to be busy taking inventory. "It's not your style, I know, but we need a place to keep you. For now."

The place wasn't dirty, just messy, with weapons, suits and masks scattered everywhere, draped over furniture and hung up on the walls. A specific poster caught your eye. A poster of a blue-eyed, blonde-haired girl with a grin on her face, and guitar in her hand. 

"You like that one?" Hobie asked, eyes lighting up. "That's my favorite rocker right there, name was Gwen and she's probably the best artist of our generation. Died a bit back though. Wish I'd gotten a chance to meet her." he sighed quietly, shaking his head. "The good ones always leave too early."

You nodded, looking back at him, taking in the slightly disappointed expression on his face at never getting to meet his hero. He shoved his hands into his pockets, looking around. "Uh we can clean up a bit actually. Get you two settled in. I don't know how long you'll be here-" he faltered off when you pulled him into a hug, eyes going wide as he looked down at you. 

He stayed frozen for a moment before his arms slowly wrapped around you. "You alright, doll?" He whispered, nuzzling his nose against the top of your head gently, cradling your neck as he tilted your head up slightly. "Something wrong?"

"I'm fine." You said, shaking your head before pressing your face back against his shoulder. "Just- just glad you're alive. I really...I really thought you were dead, you know that? I started to believe it, and if I hadn't gotten there in time-"

"Hey, hey-" he stopped you cupping your face in his hands to press a kiss to your forehead, deep voice turning impossibly soft. "I'm okay now. You saved me, remember? I'm safe, you're safe, everyone's safe." He reminded you, thumb running over your cheek. "Everything's gonna be alright, dove. I'm here now."

"Everything's not gonna be okay-" Riri spoke up, arms folded over her chest as she glared from the kitchen. "We still have a President to kill!"

"Ri come on-" Hobie said with a groan, pulling you a little closer. "Give them some time to settle in-"

"There is no time! He kidnapped one of ours, he tortured you, Hobes!" She said, hands on her hips. "This means war, you know that."

"I'm too tired to fight a war right now." He said, sinking down into one of the scattered bean bags and pulling you down with him, long limbs wrapping around you in a vice. "Everything hurts. Just- just give me the night, okay? Plan tomorrow."

The Punk and His Princess - Hobie Brown x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now