Chapter 25: The Reconciliation

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What am I feeling?

Ellie thought to herself as she sat with Jeremy, trying to make sense of her emotions. 

I like Charlie, but I also have strong feelings for Jeremy. Can it be possible to feel this way with both of them?

She bit her lip. I don't know.

She gulped. What I do know is that Jeremy's avoidance hurt me deeply. I'm confused and feel like I'm on a tightrope between them.

"Do you remember when you hit me with the ball the first day I arrived at the school?" Ellie asked.

Jeremy's eyes softened. "Yeah, the day you engraved your hatred in me," he joked lightly.

"I was so embarrassed because everybody was laughing. I hated you back then," she admitted, the memory making her smile despite her conflicted feelings.

Jeremy scratched his head, a grin tugging at his lips. "I thought we were already past this?" He chuckled. "But yes, I remember. It was quite a day."

"Please hear me out, Jeremy," Ellie continued. "We're young, and I don't know how feelings work. But you told me as kids we should be kids. I'm rambling but my point is, I don't know what I feel towards Charlie and you. Both of you are important to me. You allowed me to run again, to be myself. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want you to hate me. So please, Jeremy, be patient with me as I try to understand what I truly want." Her voice trembled as she spoke.

Jeremy's eyes held a glimmer of hope. "Does that mean I have a chance, Ellie?" His voice was tentative but hopeful.

Ellie shook her head, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Don't make me say 'if,' silly!" she said softly.

Jeremy, moved by her words, bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. Ellie was taken by surprise, her heart racing. She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could say anything, a commotion erupted nearby.

"We're here!" Jeremy shouted. "Ellie's hurt!" He added.

The rescue had finally arrived, their headlights cutting through the dim forest. The sound of footsteps and voices grew louder as they approached.

Jeremy helped Ellie to her feet, his earlier tension giving way to relief. They were quickly surrounded by the teachers, who assessed Ellie's injury and provided immediate assistance.

Charlie, along with the search party, came running toward them. "Ellie, thank goodness you're okay!" he exclaimed.

Ellie, still shaken but unharmed, nodded. "I'm fine, Charlie. Jeremy found me."

Charlie's eyes moved back to Jeremy, noticing the faint smile on his face. Did something happen? He thought to himself. 

The team helped Ellie back to the campsite, where she was given medical attention for her sprained ankle. The night's earlier anxiety was replaced with a sense of cautious relief as everyone gathered around, grateful for the successful rescue.


As the sun climbed higher on the last day of camp, the campers were busy packing up their belongings and saying their goodbyes. The forest echoed with the sounds of chatter and laughter as everyone prepared to head back home.

Ress, determined to get Charlie's attention, approached him with an air of insistence. She stood close to him, her presence almost demanding.

"Charlie, you know, this camp has been amazing," Ress said, leaning in slightly as if to emphasize her words wanting to catch his attention. "We should hang out more often. I mean, we used to have such a great time together, remember?"

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