Chapter 20: The Prom Date

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Ellie wandered through the bookstore, browsing the shelves for something to catch her interest. The scent of old paper and fresh ink was comforting, a welcome escape from the chaos of her thoughts. After selecting a couple of novels, she headed to the checkout, unaware of the two boys watching her from across the store.

As she stepped out into the bright afternoon light, she felt a nagging sensation at the back of her head, like she was being followed. She quickened her pace, hoping to reach home soon, but the footsteps behind her matched her speed.

"We just want to talk, pretty girl," one of the boys called out, his voice dripping with a menacing charm.

Ellie felt a knot of fear tighten in her stomach. She ignored them, clutching her bag closer, and walked faster. But they didn't stop.

"Hey, don't be like that," the other boy said, closing the distance between her. "We just want to be your friends."

One of them reached out and touched her hair, sending a shiver down her spine. Ellie spun around, her voice trembling, "Don't touch me!"

The two boys exchanged a look and laughed, looking like thugs, they probably were a little older, but enough to intimidate her. "Come on, we just want to know you a little bit," one of them insisted, his smile predatory.

Fear gripped Ellie's throat, making it hard to breathe. She shook her head, "Please, just leave me alone."

Ellie's fear turned into panic. She was about to scream when, out of nowhere, Jeremy and Charlie appeared, sprinting towards her. Their sudden arrival startled the boys, who stumbled backward.

"Hey! Back off!" Jeremy shouted; his voice filled with fury.

Charlie positioned himself between Ellie and the boys, his stance protective. "You heard him. Leave her alone."

The older guys hesitated, clearly sizing up the newcomers. But before they could react, Jeremy and Charlie each grabbed one of Ellie's arms and pulled her away, running down the street.

"Ellie, run!" They screamed.

They darted into a narrow alley and through a thick patch of bushes, the adrenaline driving them forward. When they finally stopped, they were hidden in a dense thicket, far from the main road.

"I thought they were going to beat us up," Jeremy gasped between breaths.

Ellie bit her lower lip and started bawling, her tears streaming down her face, and sank to the ground without regard. She was overwhelmed by the rush of emotions. She hugged her knees tightly, trembling from the harrowing experience. Charlie knelt beside her, offering a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay now, Ellie. You're safe," Charlie reassured her softly.

As Ellie's breathing steadied and the initial shock began to subside, she looked up at Jeremy and Charlie with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, her voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for saving me." She uttered again.

Jeremy smiled, tapping her head slightly, "Of course." he uttered.

"Don't act too heroic, you ran like a maniac." Charlie reminded and the three of them burst into laughter.


In the quiet of the library, Ellie was seated at a large wooden table, her focus deeply absorbed in a stack of textbooks and notes. The afternoon sunlight filtered through the tall windows, adding to the pressure that she needed to finish the assignment, her brows crossed in concentration. 

The library door creaked open, and Charlie stepped in. He spotted Ellie immediately, her head bowed over her work. A small, amused smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he walked towards her.

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