Chapter 9: Friendships and Foes

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As the semester break ended, Ellie couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that followed her like a shadow. Walking toward the school zone, she sensed the weight of judgmental stares and whispers swirling around her, making her wonder what was it about. Upon entering her classroom, she was met with hostile glances and smug expressions from her female classmates.

Wow, what is happening?

"Hey Ellie, did you have fun juggling both Charlie and Jeremy? Here we thought that you were the shy, awkward Ellie, you surely have claws." Stephanie's words sliced through like a pointed edge.

"Why don't you just choose one? You're leading them both on," Irene said, while Farrah nodded, her arms crossed.

Ellie blinked, disbelief flooding her. "I don't get what you mean," she replied, her voice trembling.

The girls exchanged glances, eyebrows raised, their expressions surely weren't happy toward Ellie. "Come on, don't play the dumb card," Farrah said, leaning closer.

Irene slipped her phone into Ellie's hands. As Ellie stared at the screen, her breath caught. There they were—snapshots of her laughing with Charlie at the cinema, and grinning with Jeremy at the arcade. Each image was framed by sharp words: "Two-timing cheat." The accusations echoed in her mind, tightening like a noose around her heart.

Lies, all lies!

Ellie's breath caught in her throat, a tight knot forming in her chest as she stared at the phone. Who would do this to her?

Anger surged within her, and she clenched her fists, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. All around her, her classmates watched, their eyes sharp and unyielding, leaving her feeling small and exposed.

Words escaped her as she faced the accusing stares. She knew deep down that she hadn't done anything wrong, but the pictures on the screen and the harsh glares made it hard to believe in her innocence.

"Anything you want to say?" Stephanie's voice sliced through the tension, demanding a reply that felt impossible. Ellie's mind raced, trying to find the right words to defend herself against these claims.

"I didn't do anything wrong," she reasoned. "I don't know who took those pictures, but they don't show the whole story. It's up to you whether you believe me or not."

"But the pictures clearly show it! You were with Charlie, and then you were with Jeremy right after. That's undeniable!" Irene shot back.

Ellie sighed, frustration rising inside her as she tried to explain what the photos missed. "The truth is a lot more complicated than those pictures show. But it seems like you don't want to hear my side," she replied.

Before things could get worse, Charlie stepped in. He looked at the girls and said, "Let's think about what we're doing. We need to reconsider our quick judgments." Easing some of the hostility in the room.

"Have you seen the pictures going around? Ellie is being accused of two-timing behind your backs," Farrah emphasized sharply.

"But does that justify your actions to be mean?" Charlie interjected firmly, his voice cutting through the tension. "We haven't heard Ellie's side yet. Why rush to conclusions?"

Stephanie, Irene, and Farrah exchanged glances again, their expressions sobering as they quietly returned to their seats, chastened by Charlie's words. Turning to Ellie with a soft expression, Charlie asked gently, "Are you okay?"

Ellie nodded, her resolve evident as she gathered herself amidst the turmoil. Sensing her distress, Charlie sat beside her and whispered, "What rumor are they spreading?"

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