Chapter 17: The Confession

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One morning, Ellie stared at the empty chair beside her in class, feeling the absence of Charlie due to his cough and cold. Throughout the day, she couldn't shake the thought of him and decided that afternoon to visit him. She knew Charlie had always been there for her, and now it was her turn.

Ellie arrived at Charlie's house, guided by directions from their classmate. The house was pleasant and spacious. Charlie's mother greeted Ellie warmly at the door, handing her a mask before leading her to Charlie's room.

Entering Charlie's room for the first time, Ellie was struck by its semi-lit ambiance and the neat rows of books that adorned the shelves. Everything was organized, just as she imagined Charlie would keep it. His mother excused herself to get some snacks, leaving Ellie alone with Charlie, who was asleep on his bed.

She approached quietly, a soft smile beneath her mask as she looked at him. Then, Charlie stirred, his eyes fluttering open with surprise and confusion as he registered Ellie's presence.

Charlie: "Ellie? What are you doing here?"

Ellie: "Hey, I brought you some pastries. Thought you could use a visitor."

Charlie blinked, still slightly disoriented from sleep but smiling faintly at Ellie's gesture.

Charlie: "You didn't have to come all this way."

Ellie: "I wanted to. Besides, who else is going to keep me company during class?"

Charlie chuckled softly, shifting to sit up against the pillows.

Charlie: "Thanks, Ellie. I appreciate it."

Ellie handed him the pastries, relieved to see him looking better than she had imagined.

Ellie: "How are you feeling?"

Charlie: "Like I got hit by a truck, but I'll survive. Thanks for these."

Ellie stood by Charlie's bedside, feeling a little awkward. She twiddled her fingers nervously, unsure of what to say next. Charlie, who had been resting, suddenly stirred and gently took Ellie's hand in his. Ellie looked at him, surprised by the unexpected gesture. Charlie smiled, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"I was dreaming of you, and now you're here with me," he confessed softly, his gaze dropping as if embarrassed.

Ellie was taken aback, unsure how to respond. She remained silent. Before she could gather her thoughts, Charlie continued.

"Ellie, I appreciate you being here," he said, his words sincere. He hesitated for a moment, then continued, "This might not be the best timing, and maybe I'm not thinking straight, but... I like you, Ellie."

Ellie's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't expected a confession, especially not now, in Charlie's room with his mother just outside. Before she could process her thoughts or respond, Charlie gently lifted her chin and kissed her, the touch soft and brief through her masks.

Ellie was shocked. Her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, confusion, and a hint of fluttering warmth. Their lips didn't touch directly and it was only for a moment, but it felt significant. Just as she began to process what had just happened, the door opened again, and Charlie's mother entered with a tray of food. They quickly moved apart, creating a noticeable distance between them, both slightly flustered by the unexpected moment.


Jeremy was beating the bell one morning, sprinting down the hallway with determination. As he reached the classroom just before the final bell rang, he threw his hands up in victory, as if he had just won a marathon. He quickly greeted everyone, including Ellie and Charlie. But as he took his seat, he noticed something different in the atmosphere.

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