Part 8

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Every woman of them went to their schools and they all worked effectively in turning into what they had to be, However since the last occurrence, nobody knows where Julie is or what she is concentrating on. Their last meeting took place four years ago. The four girls excluding Julie managed to live in the same building.

BREAKING NEWS: The Lytta Virus a.k.a The Mad person disease has spread throughout time, and anyone can become infected if they got scratched or bitten by an infected  individual. Be aware of the people surrounding you, and it is best to stay at home. Some compounds will be locked down due to the high population of infected people in this area. Make sure you've got enough food to last as long as possible. Power may be switched off, so ensure that all of your mobile phones, tablets, computers, and other electronic devices are completely charged.

Jessica: *closes the TV* it's getting serious, guys.

The four of them were at Jessica's apartment as a hang out instead of going out.

Agia: I wonder who was the first one to get infected...

Nicole: Is that your only wonder in all of what's happening??? *sarcastic*

Diana: Yea, sure. I'll contact them and call you back. *hangs up the phone*

Jessica: Who was it?

Diana: another patient that was supposed to have an appointment today.

Jessica: hmm

Nicole: Luckily our compound is still safe!

Agia: You guys heard the TV, Grab your phones and let's go grab some food!!

Diana: Let's go!

They all went to the supermarket in their compound.

Nicole: Taylor! how're you?

Taylor (cashier girl): Hiii

Diana: Did you hear the news?

Taylor: yes, but it seems no one believes it...

Agia: cause they never saw a real one.

Jessica: thank god we didn't either!!

Nicole: My favorites *hugging a box of oreos*

Diana: gosh this girl.

Jessica: if there is a lockdown in our compound, she wouldn't mind living on those *pointing at the oreo section*

Suddenly all the phones in the supermarket started making a very high pitched buzz.

Agia: they sent the same message again.

Diana: I guess this is getting serious!

Nicole: Let's just get all we need.

After getting everything, they went to the cashier.

Taylor: Are you guys going camping?? *while scanning the items*

Jessica: They sent a warning message and no one's hoarding?

Taylor: We get them all the time now. we can't react to every single one. if a few people die and thousands get infected, then maybe. Do you need this delivered?

Diana: Just the water bottles.

Agia: and the rice, too.

Taylor: ok


Diana: I'll go put my things in my apartment.

Agia: Me too.

Nicole: We won't take long.

Jessica: OK, be quick.

Agia placed everything in place and went to check on Diana

Agia: *knock knock* open up, it's me!

Diana: Just a minute! *opened the door*

Agia: need some help??

Diana: Just put these cans in the fridge. *pointing at the counter*

Ceiling: *BANG......BANG BANG!!*

Part 9 ??~

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