Part 19

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Julie went into the building, heading to her apartment, when she heard shouting from the gym.

Taehyung: But no symptoms say that!

Olivia: Do you want all of us to get bitten?!

Jessica: Why should we lock someone who's not infected?

Olivia: There is no harm if he’s not infected!!

They were all shouting in Front of each other till Julie cut it off


Everyone went silent

Julie: What's the issue here?!

Diana: The gym guy, Henry, Olivia said that he's the one who sold the pills which means that he might have taken one himself.

Julie: *to Olivia* Did you see him take any? *Frustrated*

Olivia: I didn't, but he might be hiding any of it to not get kicked out.

Namjoon: No one will be kicked out. The Army is out there working on building the walls around the compound.

Olivia: Then we'll kick him out of the building!

Namjoon: That's not the matter now.

Julie: *took the handcuffs from Namjoon’s pocket* You'll be okay like that. *handcuffed Henry*

Henry: Why don't you believe me?! I swear I’m not infected!!

Namjoon: That's not how we solve it, Julie!

Julie: Taehyung, come with me. *Ignoring Namjoon*

Namjoon: Julie!

Julie: What?

Namjoon: What's wrong?

Julie: You guys are arguing over silly matters! You're a Cop, Namjoon!! Let them all just shut the F up and do your work!! *Left*

Taehyung and Julie POV

Taehyung: Julie, Are you okay?

Julie: Bonnie's parents are infected.

Taehyung: what?! Oh my god, that poor little girl.

Julie: I’m so frustrated now that I can punch a human being!!
Anyway, Do you have any headaches?

Taehyung: Yes! Since last night!!

Julie: Which means it's working--

The door burst open revealing Jungkook.

Jungkook: *breathing heavily* Can y-you cove-r up for me?? *Held onto the stairs*

Taehyung: What's wrong, Jungkook?! *went to him*

Jungkook: *Breathing heavily that he can't speak*

Julie: He’s trying not to transform! *went to him and held him by his shoulders*

Taehyung: What are we gonna do?!!

Julie: Is there anyone here?? *looking around*

Taehyung: *looked around too* No, but there is a camera. What are you planning to do?

Julie: *smashed the camera* I’ll take him. *Held Jungkook's hand and they both disappeared*

Taehyung: No wait!! Shit! I have to tell Namjoon and Jimin!!

Taehyung ran to Jimin upstairs

Taehyung: JIMIN!!! THERE IS AN EMERGENCY!! *Taking deep breaths due to the stairs*

Jimin: What's wrong?!

Taehyung: Julie took Jungkoo-- Wait! Where is Bonnie first??

Jimin: Sleeping with Nicole inside.

Taehyung: Good *grabbed him outside the apartment*

Jimin: You're freaking me out! What's going on?!

Taehyung: *explained everything*

Jimin: Did you tell Namjoon??

Taehyung: Not yet.

Jimin: What are you waiting for?!! *Rushed down stairs to Namjoon*

Namjoon: We can't solve anything if you guys keep shouting and screaming like that--

Jimin: Namjoon!!

Namjoon: What's wrong guys? You look pale…

Jimin: Julie took Jungkook!

Namjoon: What do you mean by "took jungkook" ?? Where did they go? *Baffled*

Taehyung: Namjoon! Focus!! Julie TOOK Jungkook!!!

Namjoon: Julie took jungkoo-- WAIT NO!!

Jimin: YES

Namjoon: *ran upstairs and called Jin* Jin!

Part 20?~

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