Part 11

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Julie: Can you stop teasing for now--

Door: *knock knock... knock knock knock*

Namjoon: Who is it?!

Jungkook: Just open up hyung!!

Namjoon: What is it??

Jungkook: *Ran inside and closed the door on Taehyung*


Namjoon: what happened this time??? *So done face*

Jungkook: I won again after promising him not to--

Jungkook slipped and the door opened causing Jungkook to run  hiding behind Jessica thinking she's Julie.


Julie: Guys just stop already! *Glare*

Taehyung Came back to his senses and saw that Julie had guests......

Taehyung: SHIT *whispered under his breath*

Jungkook: *realized it's not Julie* OH! I'm really sorry, ma'am *bow*

Jessica: Nah it's ok--

Nicole: *burst out of laughter* you're actually calling her Ma'am?!!

Jimin: Joon *entered the house* Are they done fighting?? Who won?? need an ambulan-- oh hi guys *smiling in embarrassment*

All Laughed


Julie ushered the girls into the bedroom for a bit more privacy.

Julie: Sorry about earlier *chuckles* That's just our usual dynamic.

Diana: Actually, it's kinda cute.

Jessica: And who was the one confusing me for you earlier??

Julie: Ah, that was Jungkook. He's the youngster of the bunch.

Nicole: Since when did you start living with them? You look like you've been through a raise together!!

Julie: You caught me! I've been roomies with them since birth.

Agia: Why didn't you spill this tea before today?!

Jessica: You were right when you said there are lots of other things we don't know... *Whispered to herself*

Julie: You expect me to drop the bomb after all the gossip around a classmate walking with a guy who's not her brother?

Diana: Wait, but didn't you mention Namjoon is your brother?

Julie: Not blood-related. We've been calling ourselves siblings since we were kids.

Agia: You're like a walking enigma, Julie.

Nicole: Who knows, one day we might uncover you're not even human! *joking*

Julie: Let's hope not *chuckled in worry*



Namjoon: What's up now?!

Julie: Please don't tell me this was you! *shows him a broken mug*

Namjoon: oops

Julie: Oh my goodness, don't make me go all Hulk on that guy!

Jungkook: *Knock knock* Why all the fuss, guys?!

Julie: *opens the door* Namjoon just broke our fourth mug this week.

Namjoon: Third!

Julie: As if that makes it any better?!

Namjoon: Calm down, no need for theatrics!

Julie: Fine, I'm off to see Jessica. *storms off*

Jungkook: Seriously, Namjoon!

Namjoon: what! it's not like I mean it!


Jessica: heyyy girl *whispering*

Julie: Good mornin' *whispers back* Why the secret chatter?

Jessica: Diana had a sleepless night thanks to her noisy neighbors.

Julie: Where is she?

Jessica: *pointing to the room* in there.

Julie tiptoed into Diana's room, admiring her peaceful sleeping form before returning to Jessica outside.

Julie: Why not head to mine and let her rest undisturbed?

Jessica: Sounds good. I'll text her that I'm at yours.

Julie: Perfect! let's go.

On their way to Julie's apartment

Julie: Wait, where is Diana's apartment?

Jessica: Upstairs.

Julie: Let's take the elevator.

they got upstairs

Jessica: That's Dia's. *opening the passcode*

Julie: No need. I was just curious.

Jessica: Since we're here, let's check the noise situation.

The moment they stepped inside:

Ceiling: BANG BANG BANG.....

Julie: Sweet mother of... it's like the heavens are about to come crashing down!

Jessica: The banging seems louder than before...

Julie: How long has this been going on?

Jessica: I'd say about two weeks.

Julie: You head to mine, I'll join later.

Jessica: Let me stay with you, then.

Julie: No please, just go now.

Jessica: If you insisted. *left*

Julie: *voice message* Hey Joon. Meet me on the 6th floor! it's urgent!!

Part 12 ?~

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