Part 34

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Diana: How did you know about it?

Nicole looked at Agia with sad eyes while Agia just sighed

Nicole: The night after our fight...

Flashback (after the group call in part 4)

Nicole and Agia's Chat:

NI: What's wrong with you?

NI: Is something wrong at home?

NI: Why are you so angry that you want to end mafia??

NI: Can you answer?

NI: There are lots of hidden things you know nothing about!

NI: Stop being rude for once!

AG: I don't care!

NI: You have to!

AG: Why?

Nicole called Agia

OTP (on the phone):

AG: What is it this time? * pissed off*

NI: Meet me at school tomorrow night.

AG: Why should I?

NI: If you want to know. * hang up the call*

Agia: Can't I just have a peaceful vacation?!

Next day at night

Agia: I am here, So what are the "hidden" things that are at the school's gate? * one eyebrow up*

Nicole: Follow me. * started walking*

after 5 minutes

Agia: Why are we hiding? in front of a hospital?

Nicole: Just keep focused on the hospital's main door *serious*

Agia: * Looking at the gate with a face full of boredom*

right then, something caught their attention, they both saw Julie parking her bicycle in front of the hospital and entering it in a hurry.

Agia: Wait a minute... Why is Julie here? Is she okay? * slightly worried*

Nicole: You'll know everything when we get inside, Just remain silent.

Inside the hospital

Julie's POV

I entered the hospital in a hurry cause the doctor said it was urgent. I went to my parents room, only to see them both in that infection's state, causing me to tremble in worry.

Doc: Julie?

Julie: Yes doc! is everything ok?

Doc: Not much... Where is the adult person I told you to come with?

Julie: You know I don't have any adults except for my parents...

Doc: I expected that... ok let's have a seat first. * they both sat in front of the door*

Julie: What's wrong doc? I'm getting worried...

Doc: ok look, your parents state is getting worse... And that doesn't have anything to do with the bill, so don't blame yourself.

Julie: W-what do yo-u mea-n by getti-ng wo-rse? * trembling*

Doc: I don't know how to put this into words...

Julie: Aren't we supposed to travel next week to Germany? They'll be okay there!! you said that there was a 63% chance for them to get their treatment and return home safely within 2 to 3 years from now--

Doc: I know, I know I said all of that... but as they're still here, The percentage is decreasing...

Julie: Decreasing? You didn't mention that!

Doc: I just noticed two days ago that the percentage decreased by 5 points...

Julie: * started trembling and shaking more* H-ow muc-h is it no-w?

Doc: 56%

Julie: * Held onto her head* What should we do now?! The flight is still within 1 week! It may decrease again, right?? It can even get under the 50%! Should I go check for flights within the one week??? I'll follow them next week! * panicking*

Doc: Hey hey calm down, Julie. Please calm down, You won't be able to think about it that way...

Julie: Tell me what I should do, Please!

Nurse: Doc, We need you for a moment.

Doc: Ok ok you go first.

Nurse: * left*

Doc: We're having a meeting to discuss your parents state. You can stay here if you wish but I suggest you go home and think about it carefully. * patted her back* it'll be okay * left*

Agia and Nicole's pov:

Agia: Oh god

Nicole: I bet you knew nothing about it...

Agia: How did you know that she was here?

Nicole: After you guys hung up with Julie last night in such a way, I decided to call her today to check on her.

Earlier: Julie and Nicole's call

NI: Jonnn

JU: heyy

NI: How are you today?

JU: Same as everyday * chuckled*

NI: How're your parents now??

JU: I have no idea what to call it, But they're definitely not good.

NI: Don't worry, it's gonna get back to the way it was someday. Just keep your hopes high.

JU: I have to...

NI: What are you doing now?

JU: Checking that all the flight's papers are complete for the three of us.

NI: Just don't forget about tomorrow, You have to be there by 8 AM.

JU: You're coming, right?

NI: I still don't know if my parents can take me there.

JU: Don't be silly! I can't go there alone again!

NI: It was hilarious * laughing*

JU: Hey hold on a second, Dad's phone is ringing.

NI: Who is it?

JU: It's the hospital..?

NI: Put them on speaker

JU: hmm, Hello?

Hospital: Hello, Is this Julie?

Julie: Yes, What is it?

Hospital: Doctor William wants you to come to the hospital now.

Julie: Is something wrong?

Hospital: He didn't mention why, but he said he needs you here anytime now.

Julie: Ok I'm coming. * hung up*

NI: Weren't you supposed to go in 5 minutes already?

JU: Yes but It was optional, Right now I must go.

NI: want me to accompany you there?

JU: no no it's okay. I'll have to hang up now.

NI: Yea sure, call me when you're home.

JU: Sure bye.

End of call

part 35?~

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