Part 13

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Suddenly, the door burst open, startling them. 

Nicole: JULIE! DID YOU HEAR?!! THERE IS AN INFECTED PERSON IN OUR BUILDING!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO?!!-- AAAAAH *she screamed her lungs out when she saw Namjoon grabbing onto someone full of blood *

Observing the frightened little girl, Julie hurried to her side, wrapping the child in a comforting embrace. 

Julie: It's okay, little one. You're safe now. 

The Girl: What's wrong with that lady? *trembling*

Julie: She's just very Angry. *hugging the child to shield her from Rose*

The Girl: *Hugged back*

Julie: *looked at Nicole* Can you at least breathe?

Nicole: the infected? *pointed at Rose with a whisper*

Julie: Yes, now what?

Nicole: Please tell me neither you nor Namjoon got infected! *noticing blood on Julie's white shirt*

Namjoon: You two head downstairs; I'll follow after dealing with Rose. 

Julie: Okay. *taking the little girl's hand and descending the stairs with Nicole trailing behind*

Julie: Where is everyone?

Nicole: We're gathering at the gym.

Julie: Why all of a sudden?

Nicole: Olivia mentioned it's urgent.

Julie: Let's see what she needs this time. *to the little girl*

Nicole: What's your name? *to the girl*

The Girl: My name is Bonnie.

Nicole: A lovely name for a lovely girl. *smiling*

The trio headed to the gym, with Namjoon following later. 

Olivia: There you are! What's with the blood? Is someone injured?

Julie: *frustratedly running a hand through her hair* No. Why are we gathered here so suddenly?

Olivia: The police called and warned that a lockdown may occur in our compound if the number of infected rises...

Julie: I was indeed informed of this earlier.

Olivia: And you didn't inform the rest of us?! How irresponsible of you!

Julie: Yes, I am so irresponsible, Anything else? *maintaining a calm demeanor*

Olivia: *sarcastically chuckling* I can't believe you're a cop! Cops are quite disrespectful nowadays!

Namjoon: Excuse me! This is my sister you're talking about!

Olivia: Then ensure she knows how to show respect to her elders! Anyway, I'll try contacting the police to clarify that we are not infected here. 

Namjoon: Are you certain in your assurance? We just encountered an infected...

The room's residents began to worry and step back. 

Stella: Is tha-t the infe-cted bloo-d?? *pointing at Julie's shirt*

Julie: Yes.

Olivia: Who was infected?!! 

Namjoon: That woman from the 6th floor... Rose, I believe?

Jack: Wait!! where is Felix then?!!!

Julie: Is that her husband?

Jack: Yes.

Julie: *to Namjoon* That's the man who pushed me inside.

Namjoon: I'll go search for him.

Jimin: I'll accompany you.

Julie: *to JNAD* You all head to my place; I need to attend something first.

Diana: What about Bonnie?

Nicole: Should we take her?

Julie: Can you?

Agia: Suure! I Love kids *went to Bonnie and knelt to her level* Hi Bonnie! I am Agia.

Bonnie: Hi! *smiled cheekly* 

Julie: Can you go with them? *to Bonnie*

Bonnie: They are your friends, right?

Julie: Yes, don't worry. They're good people.

Bonnie: Ok then, I'll go with them.

Julie: Good girl! I'll return shortly! *exiting*

Nicole: Can I join?

Julie: No no, no need.

Jessica: Let's go, Bonnie!

JNAD and Bonnie went to Julie's place

Agia: Olivia is really.... Frustrating!

Diana: I feel like she'll be infected soon by the way she's acting. I feel sorry if she has a family...

Bonnie: Actually, she's married.

Jessica: Really??

Bonnie: Yes, but he hasn't left their apartment since the outbreak began.

Nicole: That's strange. I had no idea she was married.

On the other hand

Meanwhile, Julie proceeded to the closed garage door and kicked it open, revealing a figure behind it.

Julie: Any updates?

??: A lockdown is imminent. Your compound has a high concentration of infected individuals.

Julie: *sighing and running a hand through her hair* When?

??: In two days, I will come and meet you here.

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