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Naeun was in the middle of finishing up her last assignment, when a text message notification popped up on her phone. She debated whether or not to check it, but she needed a break either way, so she picked up her phone and read the notification.

'Jisung 🦒: Chenle is on a date with Juri and I feel lonely and rejected, hang out with me?'

Naeun snickered, shaking her head at the message. She needed to finish up her work, but taking a break and hanging out with him also sounded tempting. The girl sighed before typing out a reply.

Jisung 🦒

Where are we going?

I can't pick you up with my car because like
Well you know what happened to it
Meet me at xx park in thirty minutes?

Kay kay :)

Naeun sprang up from her bed and to her closet, rummaging through it for something to wear. It had been a while since the two hung out alone. She had a sense of nervousness in her, since the girl was terrible at hiding her own feelings.

After getting dressed, she headed out of her dorm and walked to the address Jisung had texted her. It was a short walk, only about ten minutes away from the dorm. The weather was extremely hot, the type that Naeun absolutely hated. But she persevered. She was too excited about seeing Jisung to even care. Ironic, isn't it?

Naeun sat down on one of the benches, scrolling on her phone to pass time while she waited for him. She was practically counting down the minutes until she could see him again. Which she never thought she would be doing. But that boy had somehow found a way in her heart.

She got a text message from said boy, and a frown formed on her face.

'Jisung 🦒: i'm sorry baby, i might be an hour late because something came up, but i'll try my best to come'

Naeun sighed, turning off her phone and trying to figure out what to do while waiting.


She whipped her head around to see who called her name. It wasn't Jisung, but Daehan. "Oh, hey. What are you doing here?"

"I was just walking by," he responded. "What are you up to?"

"I was just waiting for my friend, but I have an hour to kill now."

"Oh yeah? Want to hang out with me, then?" He asked, tilting his head as he looked down at the girl.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do," Naeun shrugged.

"I just got a new apartment. It's not too far from here, want to go for a bit? My mom made jjajangmyeon last night."

Naeun smiled, knowing she couldn't turn down an offer that involved food. "Sure, let's go."

She got off of the bench, dusting off her skirt as she followed Daehan to his apartment. The thought of food immediately lifted her mood since the girl hadn't eaten anything all day.

Daehan, on the other hand, had different plans for the oblivious girl.

He tried to keep the smirk off of his face as they walked, thrilled to finally be putting his plan in action. His gaze drifted down to her exposed legs, already having undressed her with his eyes as he bit his lower lip.

They arrived at his apartment after a short walk. He unlocked the front door with his key and head inside, Naeun trailing behind him. The decor was simple, a beige and brown theme with some plants here and there. It was neat and tidy, a stark contrast to Naeun's own dorm.

"You have a nice place," she commented, looking around.

"Thanks," he smiled, taking off his glasses and placing them on the table.

Naeun couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked without his glasses. I mean, he's nowhere on Jisung's level but he's not bad looking.

"Come on, I'll show you around."

He showed her the living room, kitchen and dining area, bathrooms, and lastly, his bedroom. The two walked inside and Daehan shut the door behind them, discreetly locking it. He took a seat on his bed, gesturing her over.

Naeun sat down beside him, pulling up one of the pillows on her lap. Daehan noticed this and internally groaned. Patience, it won't work if you aren't patient.

"Naeun," he said her name in a rather serious tone. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Hm? About what?" The curious girl tilted her head, which made the latter want to ravish her right then and there.

He turned to face her properly, clearing his throat.

"I like you, Naeun. I have been for a while now."

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