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Time skip
_______________ ☂️ _______________

You and Five arrived at some lab. Five looks around "uh, can I help you?" A man wearing a lab coat asked Five.

Five turned around holding the eye up, "I need to know who this belongs to." Five says.

"Where did you get that?" The man asked.

"What do you care?" Five said cockily.

Five sighed and looked back at the eye "I, I found it, at a playground, actually. Uh, must have just" Five clicked his tongue. "Popped out" Five finished and began grinning, the man smiled at Five. "I wanna return it to its rightful owner" Five said.

"Oh, what a thoughtful young man" the receptionist commented.

"Yeah, look up the name for me, will ya?" Five said smiling.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential" the man told Five and you rolled your eyes. "That means I can't tell you-" the man started but got interrupted by Five.

"Yeah, I know what it means" he said annoyed.

"But I'll tell you what I can do, I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner" the man offered. "I'm sure he or she will be very grateful, so if I can just-" the man said trying to grab the eye.

"Yeah, you're not touching this eye." Five said moving his hand away.

"Now, you listen here, young man-" the man tried to say but got interrupted again.

Five grabbed the man by his collar. "No! You listen to me, asshole, I've come a long way for this. Through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend. So just give me the information I need, and we'll be on our merry way" Five said gesturing to you.

"And if you call me 'young man one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall." Five threatened looking at the wall then back to the man.

"Oh, dear" said the receptionist.

"Call security" the man said softly he definitely sounded scared. The receptionist picked up the phone and dialled in a number.

Five let go of the man's collar and pushed the man back slightly. Five began walking away towards you and he grabbed your hand.

You guys walked out of the building, "what were you thinking five?" You asked him and he didn't answer. "Why'd you have to grab his collar and threaten him" you said annoyed.

You didn't even know why you were arguing with five, you knew he wasn't going to answer and besides you found five hot when he threatened the man but there was no way you were telling him that.

"You could've dialled it down and acted more like the age you look" you said.

"Just shut up!" Five yelled at you, anger filled his eyes. You immediately closed your mouth and look down.

Time skip
________________ ☂️ _________________

You were sitting in Five's room on his bed with your legs crossed. Until you heard Vanya calling Five's name in the distance. Vanya walked into Five's room "oh thank god" she sighed in relief.

"I was worried sick about you" Vanya said.

"Told you" you mumbled while trying not to be too loud.

"Sorry I left without saying goodbye" Five responded.

"No, look, I'm the one that should be sorry. Yeah, I was dismissive, and I, I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying, and I still can't to be honest." Vanya told five.

"Maybe you were right to be dismissive" Five said, "maybe it wasn't real after all." Five said walking to the corner of his room. "It felt real, well, like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind." Five walked back over to Vanya and sighed.

"Then maybe I'm not the right person for you to be talking to. Look, I used to see someone, a therapist. I could give you her information" Vanya told Five.

"Thanks, but, I think I'm just gonna get some rest" Five denied Vanya's offer. "it's been a long time since I've had a good sleep" He added.

"okay. But at least talk to y/n, she listens the most out of our family and understands all of us. I know you push us away, but please. Don't push her away. You need someone to understand you, and she needs someone to have in her presence. We all left her alone for 17 years and didn't check on her, well Diego did but not that often" Vanya told five.

Five nodded and looked at you then he smiled softly. Vanya began walking out of the room.

As soon as Vanya left the room, Klaus climbed out of Fives wardrobe. "That was all so, touching, all that stuff about family and dad and time and y/n. Wow!" Klaus said and you looked down.

"Would you shut up? She'll hear you." Five said turning to Klaus.

"I'm moist" Klaus replied to Five.

"I told you to put on something professional" Five stated looking at what Klaus was wearing and you chuckled softly.

"What? This is my nicest outfit" Klaus informed Five, Five sighed

"We'll raid the old man's closet" Five told Klaus. Five began to walk out then stopped.

"As long as I get paid" Klaus said.

"When the job is done" Five responded then walked back to you. "Y/n, get dressed, wear something nice" Five told you and you just stood up and began walking to your room.

Klaus had already left for your father's room. Five grabbed your wrist stopping you in your tracks. "Look, I'm sorry, y/n" Five apologised and you turned to face him. Your eyes widened, you had never heard Five apologize before.

"I'm so sorry" Five looked down at the ground. "You were there when Vanya thought I was crazy, you listened, you weren't dismissive, you understood, and I just yelled at you and pushed you away." Five continued.

You looked at him surprised, "I guess Vanya's words got to you, huh?" You said, Five looked at you. Whenever you felt vulnerable you always covered it up with comedic relief or when someone tried to show you affection or anything like that you just dismissed it.

Ever since you were a kid, Reginald made you feel worthless. You always believed you didn't deserve to be happy so whenever someone showed you affection you thought it was fake.

You've never truly understood what love was and you believed you never would because you never believed anyone could love you back.

"Y/n" Five said softly, breaking you out of your thoughts. You looked up at him, "I'm sorry I pushed you away" He said and you nodded softly.

Five walked out heading to your father's room to Klaus and you walked to your room to put on something nice.

Word count: 1138

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