The Hunt For Delores

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It was late at night and you and Five arrived at a clothing store. Five held your hand and blinked inside.

"What are we going here?" You asked Five but he didn't answer. "Fine, can we at least get you some new clothes?" You asked but he still didn't say anything so you just sighed.

Five began walking and you followed him. Five grabbed a flashlight and started looking around. You guys were walking around in the woman's section and Five was looking for something specific.

He suddenly stopped and pointed his flashlight at something, a mannequin. Five smiled softly and slowly walked up to the mannequin. You followed behind him.

"Delores" Five said softly and you looked at him then back at the mannequin. "That's Delores?" You whispered to him and he nodded.

"It's good to see you." He said talking to the mannequin, "I've missed you" he continued talking to the mannequin and you just decided to give hime some space.

You didn't go too far, you just began looking through some of the clothes. "Obviously" Five said softly. "Well, I, it's been a rough couple of days" Five said to Delores.

You suddenly hear footsteps followed by Five yelling. You hear a gun shot and suddenly duck. You and Five are hiding behind the clothing racks, Five looks around trying to identify the shooters.

"Oh shit, it's them" Five says. Five runs over to where Delores is and he quickly grabs her. Five held Delores "I'll be right back for you" he said placing her on the ground and grabbing your hand.

He began running and he dragged you with him. The gun shots continued and Five blinked forwards.

"You see that?" A woman said, "you said he was special" you heard a man say. "You start over there, I'll go to the other end, meet in the middle. Shoot anything that moves" the woman says and walks away.

Five grabbed a hand shovel off of a shelf and swung it to test it out. Five blinked away leaving you alone and you groaned.

Five blinked behind the woman and cut her with the hand shovel. The man then shot at him and Five blinked away. Five ran around and ducked down behind the clothing racks.

The shooters kept shooting at Five. Five grabbed a duffle bag and swung it over his shoulder. Five then ran over to where he had left Delores and put her into the bag.

Five then swung the bag back over his shoulder and ran over to you. He grabbed your hand and tried to blink away but he was out of energy.

"Shit, come on!" Five whisper yelled, as he began to run dragging you with him.

Suddenly you heard police sirens outside and when the shooters looked away you pulled Five behind the counter.

"The bastard jumped again" The man said. "Come on, let's go" replied the woman then she walked off.

You were sat behind the counter breathing heavily and Five was sweating. Five rocked Delores in his arms and you just smiled at him. Five then sighed and you looked him up and down checking him for injuries.

Time skip
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You were back at the academy and you spotted Allison and Luther. You and Five began walking past them, "Y/n? Five?" Allison said looking at the state of the both of you.

"What the hell happened to you two?" She asked again, Five just looked at Allison and Luther and didn't say a word. "Are you okay? Can we help?" Luther asks Five worried. Luther went to put his hand on Fives shoulder, but Five grabbed his wrist not allowing Luther to touch him.

"There's nothing you can do, there's nothing any of you can do" Five said through a mixture of sadness and annoyance. Five grabbed your hand with his free one since he was still carrying Delores in a bag and walked to his room.

Once you reached his room you sat down on his bed. Five seemed different he seemed more on edge, more vulnerable.

"Five, are you okay?" You asked him quietly, he didn't answer and just looked down at the ground while he took Delores out of the bag. He then turned back to face you and you walked up to him.

You lifted his arms up one by one examining him for any sign of injury. You then found a cut on the back of his left arm. Five looked at you and you sighed at him.

"I'll be back" you told him as you walked off to find a first aid kit.

When you got back to Five's room he was lying on his bed. When he heard you his head sprung up.

You walked over to Five and rolled up his sleeve. You began cleaning the wound and patching him up and as you did Fives eyes never left your face.

"Do I have something on my face, or are you liking what you see?" You say teasing Five and he looked away embarrassed. You chuckled and placed the first aid kit beside you because you finished.

You suddenly got a slight pain in your stomach where you had previously stabbed but you thought nothing of it.

Five looked at you and you just smiled. You expected Five to smile back but he was glaring at your stomach. You were confused so you looked down and saw blood staining your shirt.

"This was one of my favourite shirts, god dammit" you say and chuckle but Five places his hand on yours. Five reaches over for the first aid kit and you looked at him confused.

"Five, I'm fine" you tried to reassure him but he just shook his head slightly. He got to his knees on the bed in front of you and grabbed the hem of your shirt. Five looked at you wanting your permission.

You nodded at him and sighed as he lifted your shirt above the wound. Five gasped at the sight causing you to look down. The wound had been reopened and seemed to be deeper than it had been before.

Five began cleaning the wound, and you winced as it stung your sensitive flesh. After he had finished patching you up again. He stood up and walked to his wardrobe, he grabbed a white button up shirt because all his wardrobe consisted of was the academy uniforms.

He walked back over to you and handed you the shirt, you smiled at him. Five turned around giving you privacy so you could change into a clean shirt.

You lifted your arms up to remove your shirt but winced in pain, "for fuck sake" you muttered and Five turned to face you.

"You having trouble?" He asked you and you nodded annoyed, Five walked over to you and sat down next to you. "Do you mind if I help?" He asked and you nodded letting him help.

As he helped you remove your shirt your cheeks flushed red, were you embarrassed or was it something else? When Five removed your shirt leaving you in your bra he folded your shirt in his lap and grabbed the fresh one.

Five put your arms through the holes one by one then buttoned the shirt up. Once he made it to the last button he looked into your eyes and smiled.

His beautiful green eyes gazing into yours, you returned his smile and Five leaned back. You looked at Five noticing his cheeks were also red and you chuckled.

"Did you like what you saw?" You say while laughing, Five just chuckles "and what if I did?" He said causing you to fall silent.

Word count: 1280

A/N: I really hope you are enjoying this fanfiction.

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