Chapter 3

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The night passed by so slow. I didnt sleep at all. My sleep was invaded of the curly haired stranger.

In the car me and my girls were talking about the night before.

"Did that Harry guy ask you out?" Charlotte asked. I pondered at her question.

"I have no idea," I replied honestly. Don't get me wrong, Harry was attractive, and seemed very sweet, but. Nothing was going to distract me. I guess I could relax a little now that we got the job, but I cannot be dating my Co-Workers...

"Earth to Ava," Ruby snapped.

Olivia stared out the window and sighed quietly.

"What happened Liv?" Ella asked.

"Niall. Niall Horan. Thats what happened," She laughed. "He snuck me out last night. And it was like we knew each other since we were kids. He's really funny and adorable and he loves food more than you can imagine."


We all searched through our purses.

"Not me," I said.

"Nada," Ruby said tossing her bag on the ground.

"Its me," Olivia sighed.

She took out her phone and showed us the text. Her mouth was open wide.

Wear a dress for me Babe x

"What?" I said, shaking my head.

"Ew," Emma disgustedly shivered.

"Whatever. Just keep your eyes off that Louis guy," Ruby snapped.

* * *

As soon as we reached the studio Niall stole a kiss from Olivia.

"Hey beautiful," Harry said walking towards me. Man, I had to admit. Harry was extremely attractive. Even in the simplest of outfits: Black skinny jeans, a white tee-shirt and a beanie to hold his luscious curls on top of his head. He still looked like he had spent hours on himself this morning.

"Hey Harry," I said quietly.

"You can call me Haz if you want," he said

"Okay, Haz." I said, testing out the new nickname, and nudged his side playfully.

What the hell was I doing?

"I like it when you do that," he said putting his hands on my hips. I leaned my head in the crook of his neck taking in his scent. I squeaked when he grabbed my bum. He ran his hands under my shirt exploring my back side then coming to the front. I had, had enough. I ran my fingers through his curly ringlets and kissed him. He imidiately begged my mouth for entrace but i denied. I didnt even know this guy and he already wanted to tounge? I felt like would pass out.

"Lets save your energy for dancing," He said in his husky voice.

I looked into his eyes, my thoughts clouded in a haze called Harry Styles. This was so unrealistic. This was not how things worked. Who the hell did Harry think he was? Waltzing up to me, grabbing me by the hips... Kissing me with those full lips.

* * *

Harry rushed me and the girls to center stage of the room and flicked the music on. Just like before he put he hands behind his head and watched me in awe. But the time i turned around the girls stopped dancing as he slid his hands all around my front causing me to moan quietly.

"You look nice today,"Harry beamed. I blushed heavily as he turned me to face him. I stared up at him in awe, at a loss for words.

"I wonder how nice you'll look in this rope," He said looking at me with dark eyes the shade of evergreen. A color i had never new existed on a boy like him.

"What?" I shook my head, confused.

"Liam," Harry snapped.

* * *

"Harry!" I cried. There was a round of insane laughter as i turned a corner of the dark alley. Every direction i turned i saw those dark evergreen eyes. Just as quick as they came, they were gone, and now back to the emerald colour I adored so much.

"Ava," I heard Harry echo through the maze.

"Ava, wake up."

* * *

"What?" I jerked up and hit my head on something. It was the roof of a car. I looked around, taking in my surroundings, gathering my thoughts.

"Morning beautiful," He said.


"Please tell me you remember me?" He asked worried.

I thought for a moment, "Of course I remember you," I smiled, "You're that one stranger that was eating my face one minute, then tied me up in rope and threw me in his car the next!" I cried. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I was so confused.

He ran his fingers through his perfect curls.

I scooted as close to the car door as I could. I didn't know this boy. I knew the taste of his lips, and the scent of his neck. But I had just met him yesterday. Frankly, he frightened me.

"Will you feel any better if I untie you?" He asked. I hadn't noticed the burning of the rope around my wrists until now. I nodded.

Harry pulled over to the side of the rode and cut me loose of the life threatning ropes. When he did I tried to run. Harry gripped my wrist and pulled me back.

"Ow!" i screamed. Harry took me and covered my mouth, tears strown down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"It hurts Harry," i cried as he let go.

"Im sorry," He said. He looked out at the rode with a blank expression. He was thinking, i couldnt help but wonder why i was here, and what he was doing with me.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we returned to the car.

"On a cruise," Harry smiled. I raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm well its not a cruise, its really an abandoned ship, but think of it as a cruise,"

Was he insane? This beautiful boy made my head spin.

"Why are you doing this?" i asked. Harry squirmed in his seat and I studied his almost seemingly pained expression.

"Your not going to...kill me, are you?" I asked quietly feeling small.

"What? No! God no!" He said gripping the steering wheel and biting his lip.

"Well im not going to kill you," He said.

"What?" I cried.

"Look! im trying to protect you okay? Just keep you mouth shut and go for the ride!"

This Harry was different than the one I met in the studio. This one seemed angry, and confused. Almost as vulnerable as I was.

I stared at him and he stared back. The glint of emerald was still there.

* * *

We were silent for a while when Harry broke it.

"I still think your beautiful, and im so sorry for you right now," He said keeping his pained eyes on the road.

This time i put my hand on his thigh. He didnt pull it away.

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