Chapter 5

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  "I found her Matt," Harry said as he pulled my hands behind my back. 

" Well done Styles. We knew you would. After all you have been training for quite a while... and it shows," The large security guard said.

"Thanks Matt, now step aside so i can show her to her room," Harry nodded towards the boat.

"With pleasure. Have fun," He winked at me. It made me shudder.


Harry released me as soon as we were out of ear shot.

"Okay. Lets go to your room. The others will be there," Harry said and grabbed my hand. 

  We walked down a large corridor, seperating into rooms. Suddnely Harry stopped me.

"Stacey. Im not letting you die, understand? I dont know whats gotten into me but i cant be without you anymore. I know we just met but , im not letting go," He said fercely.

"Dont let me go Harry," I said tears streaming down my face.

"Dont cry Love," He smiled wiping away my excess tears. I nodded and we walked down the dark corridor once again.

  I heard voices as we walked down the hallway. I gripped harry's hand in need of comfort, but i think he took it the wrong way because he kissed my forehead. 

  Harry opened the door to one of the rooms and inside were the rest of the band and my friends. All alive. There was only one bed and Zayn and Kylie sat on it talking. Liam glanced at his watch.

"There you are lad!We've been waiting. We need a plan," 

"Whoa hold up. i just got here!" Harry replied.

"I know, but we got to get these girls outta here harry!"Liam whisper-cried.

"i know im working on it," Harry said looking at me. It was almost as if he was checking to see of i was still there. How could i not be?His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist.

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