Chapter 4

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I woke up to Harry's arms wrapped around my body. He was carrying me somewhere.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking around at my many new surroundings.

"Did you want to be left in the car?" He asked. I scanned his arms.

"I didnt think so," He said smirking. He put me down behind a bush and crouched down. I followed his lead.

"If you want to be kept alive then i suggest you keep your beautiful mouth shut," He said.

"But-" I started but was cut off my Harry when he put his hand over my mouth.

Suddenly two burly men came from out of the near by ship i hadnt noticed. They each were carrying walkie-talkies.


"In," A voice on the device answered.









"Styles? You in?"


"Have any of you guys seen Harry?" One of the men asked the walkie-talkies.

"No," They devices answered.

"Call the boss," The biggest of the men answered.

"My friends have your friends," Harry said when the coast was clear.

"What ?!"I whisper screamed.

"Dont worry they're in on this too,"

"Im so confused,"

"Dont worry well talk later. Right now we need to find a place to sleep," Harry said looking around.

"What about the car?" I suggested.

"You know nothing," Harry rolled his eyes as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the forest behind us.

"Harry i dont want to go in there," I said stopping.

"Its okay," he coaxed.

"No," i whined.

"Im here with you," He said planting a kiss on my cheek.

That small gesture, from this big stranger, was enough to motivate me.

* * *

Harry and I were seated on a log around a small fire.

I didnt know what feelings were appropriate to have for Harry. Lust, and affection ? Or maybe hatred...

"I have a plan Ava," Harry said inching closer to me. My heart thumped.

"Are you afraid Love?" Harry asked. I nodded. Harry put his soft hand to my cheek.

"You sure are beautiful when your scared," He smiled. I blushed as Harry pulled me off the log. We stood into the clearing. Harry squeezed my hand as we headed for the entrance of the old boat. I was unaware of my death hold on Harry's hand. His hand wrapped around mine was comforting, and it might have felt safe if we're were less than one hundred yards from the boat.

"Harry, we cant just go in there!" I said tugging from Harry. He gripped my wrist tightly and i winced.

"Harry," I cried softly.

"Sorry," He let of my hand and turned away facing the boat.

"Ava you gotta trust me on this. I can get you out of this... I've known for a while, what was coming for you. I've been preparing. I'm getting you out of this, dead or alive," Harry held both of my hands in his, and pleaded to me, as he looked down on me.

"Um, i prefere alive," I said.

"Me too. Now do you trust me?" I hesitated for a moment then nodded.

"Great, now let's go," He urged and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I felt like Harry was about to lead into me into a pack of hungry wolves. But the way Harry looked at me... it was almost like, he couldnt let go. I knew this stranger was dangerous. I could tell from his ripped muscles that he had obviously fought something before. This stranger had pulled me onto a ride i was so unprepared for...

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