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A day at preschool with Ashton and Luke.


Ashton: 5

Luke: 4

"Luke, it's time to go! Are you ready for school?" Liz called.

"Am ready!" Luke yelled back. He pulled his backpack over his shoulders and sat down on the top of the stairs.

Slowly, he inched his way down, thumping down every step.

"Ow. Ow. Ouch. Ow. Owie." He complained until he reached the bottom.

He pulled on his sneakers and did the velcro straps. "Am ready mommy!"

She picked him up and brought him to the car, buckling him into his car seat.

He dug into his backpack and pulled out his batman lunch box. He took out his Apple juice box and looked out the window as his mom drove.

Ashton would have to help him with the straw, so he just nommed on the corner of the box.

A few minutes later, Liz pulled into the Irwins driveway, where Ashton and his mom were waiting in the yard.

He watched as Mrs. Irwin said goodbye to her son and handed him his TMNT backpack.

Then Liz helped him into his car seat beside Luke.

"Ashon!" Luke screeched happily.

"Lu!" Ashton smiled. "Goo' mownin'."

"Help?" Luke handed Ashton the juice box.

"Ashy always help his Lu." Ashton took the box and opened the straw. He stuck the straw through the hole and handed it back to Luke.

Luke happily drank from it as they were driven to school.

"Mikey and Cally Pally gon be dere?" Luke asked as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Hope so." Ashton nodded.

"Dun wan dumb Richy to be dere." Luke scowled. "Dumb Richy always look at Lukeys Ashy and only Lukey can look at his Ashy."

Ashton blushed into his hands. "Lu luvoo him Ashy?"

"Luvoo him Ashy lots and lots! Always luvoo!" Luke cried, grabbing onto Ashton's arm. "Lukey luvoo Ashon more than dumb Richy!"

Ashton giggled and kicked his feet. "Ashy luvoo him Lu!"

Liz parked the car and led them inside.

She dropped them off at the play area and Luke hugged her legs goodbye.

"Bye mommy!"

"Bye Luke, please be nice to Richard today, okay?" She said, patting his hair.

Luke huffed. "Dun like dumb Richy."

"Lu! Come play at water table with Ashy!" Ashton shouted, tugging on Luke's hand.


They ran to the table and played with the toy boats in the shallow water.

"Beep beep!" Luke said, crashing his boat into Ashtons. "Oh no!" He cried.

He plopped down onto his bum. "Killded Ashys boat! Am sorry Ashy!"

"Is okay!" Ashton ran around and hugged his Luke. "Boaty is okay!"

"Must have funeral for Boaty." Luke sniffed, reaching his hands up for Ashton to help him to his feet.

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