so-called well-wishers

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Delta's POV

Some time went on. Probably about four months. My life is boring. I don't have much to share. Will and I got closer, but I'm just not feeling a spark between us.

It's awkward.

I dunno.

Dallas and I eventually moved past our awkward stage and became real friends.

I still worked my ass off to try and save money. Trying to get a real job.

But it was certainly a work in progress.

I heard a knock on the door as I was drifting into bed and I nearly had a heart attack.

Who would be at my house at eleven o'clock at night?

I walked to the door hesitantly until I saw Will standing there.

I opened the door. "Goodness, you scared me. What are you doing here?"

"I-I just missed you."

"Oh, come on in." I said with a small smile. "You alright?" I asked, followed by a yawn.

"Yeah... just..."

Within a second he had his hands on my face and his tongue down my throat. It took me by surprise. All I could think of was how badly he reeked of alcohol.

"Will, hold on. What are you doing?" I asked pushing him away from me.

"Delta, please. I need you right now."

And he proceeded to going back to what he was doing.

I felt bad, but I gagged at the smell. Goodness, did he drink a whole bottle?

"Will, I'm sorry. I'm exhausted, I had a long night at work. I just wanna go to bed. You can crash here tonight if you want, but I'm just not feeling this right now."

"Delta, come on. I miss you. We don't ever do anything anymore."

"Yes we do." I said defensively. "But after a long shift and being on my feet for ten hours, I just wanna go to bed."

"Delta... fuck..." He muttered.

"You're freaking me out. Is everything okay?"

"No! God, I fucking love you! Why the hell don't you feel the same way?" He yelled.

My heart stopped. He had never said that before. "Will..."

"I'm serious! God dammit!" He yelled.

"Will! Knock it off!"

"I don't give a fuck about your work schedule. You just wait tables? You think that's anything?"

"Coming from you! You don't even have a job!" I retaliated.

"I don't need a job. I have money! I pay for all your expensive dates! I buy you the most expensive gifts I can find!"

"I never ask for that. Will, I think you need to go home. You're not yourself right now. Did something happen?" I asked, trying to be reasonable.

"No! God, not everything in my life has to be a shit show! Is it wrong to want some sort of attraction from my girlfriend?"

"No! No, it's not. I get it. I do. Please, let's just calm down. Sleep this off and we'll talk in the morning." I muttered.

His hand slapped the vase on the counter to the floor. Glass shattered everywhere and I let out a yelp. "God, what is the matter with you? What is happening?" I screamed.

"I hate this, Delta! God, what did I do to make you hate me so much?" He screamed.

"Will, I don't hate you!" I said trying to be reasonable.

His fists balled up and I immediately thought he was going to hit me. In a split second, his fist punched the wall and I started to panic.

While he was distracted, I grabbed my car keys from the rack and booked it to my car.

He ran after me and slammed the door behind him. "Don't do this, Delta! Please." He begged.

I struggled to put the keys in the damn slot as my hands were shaking.

He was struggling to walk straight as he made his way towards me.

I finally got my car on and pulled out of the driveway before he could get to me. I had a topless car, which was the first time I hated it.

I drove as fast as I could to the first person that I could think of.

I parked my car and immediately wiped the tears that slid off my face.

I felt like an idiot doing this. But I had to.

I knocked on the door and Buck answered. "Can I help you?"

"Is Dallas here? Please, tell him it's Delta. And it's an emergency."

He closed the door and I held my arms as the wind blew harder. The door opened and I was incredibly relieved to see Dallas there.

"Delta? What's goin' on?"

"I-I just don't know what else to do." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Oh, God. Come on." He said pulling me inside.

He closed the door to him room behind him once we got up the stairs and I immediately broke down in a sob on the floor. "Jesus Christ." He muttered. "What happened? It's the middle of the night."

"Will. I just needed a place to go and I didn't have any other ideas."

"What happened?" He asked angrily.

"We got in a damn fight. He doesn't think I'm attracted to him, I guess? I dunno. He just... he freaked out on me."

"Did he touch you?"


I lied.

I couldn't tell him the full story. I just couldn't.

"I don't believe you."

"I mean, he did. But not like that. He tried to kiss me and I'm just not feeling it right now. And he thinks I don't actually like him. And he drunkenly told me he loved me."

I wiped my face with the back of my hand.

"This happened at your house?" I nodded. "Is he still there?"

"I-I dunno."

Another knock came from the door. "Dallas, some guy is lookin' for ya. Says his name is Will."

"I guess that's a no." He muttered taking a drag on his cigarette.

"Oh, God, please don't let him know I'm here. Please. He'd be so upset."

"You come to my place in a panic and you don't want him to be upset? Really. Come on, I thought you were smarter than that."

"Please!" I begged. "Dallas, he doesn't mean this. He's just drunk right now."

He rolled his eyes. "I'll go talk to him."


"You will be surrounded by many so-called well-wishers during your good times, but there will be only a few ones around you in your bad times."
- Anurag Prakash Ray

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