day by day

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Delta's POV

I got dressed for work and made my way over there. I was thrilled for summer.

The start of my new life.

Make some money and save up for bigger and better things.

I got into work and the place was a bit busier than usual for the time of day.

"Hey, everyone." I said quickly before pulling myself together.

"Delta, you're gonna be table four. Sound good?" Karly asked.

"You got it." I said with a smile.

"Hi, how are you doin' today?" I asked handing the man a water.

"Pretty good, yourself?"

"Pretty good." I repeated. "Just you today?"

"Yeah, just stoppin' in for a the deluxe burger."

"Alright, anything else?"

"Yeah, a basket of fries as well. And a coke. That's it."

"You got it. My name's Delta, let me know if you need anything else."

"Thanks, Delta."

I grinned a bit and went to put in the order and pour him his coke. I know I always say my name, but I do find it weird when customers actually use my name.

But I always thought that was something older people did. This guy was probably my age. Or somewhere around that. A little shorter than average. Light hair. Nerdy.

I brought him back the coke and smiled. "Hey, have we met before?" He asked.

"Uhh... no I don't think we have." I said with a smile still plastered on my face.

"Well, my names Will. Just graduated from Will Rogers."

"Oh! So did I." I said with a smile. "Maybe we have met."

"You probably don't know me, but I've certainly heard of you."

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I've heard that a few times from people." I said with a grin.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your job."

"Don't worry, I'll be back. Foods comin' up pretty fast." I said with a grin.

He didn't say much for the rest of his meal until I went to hand him the check.

"You're really pretty." He said leaning back in the booth.

"Thank you, but-"

He cut me off. "You mind if I get your number?"

"I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend."

He sighed. "Man, he's a lucky guy. That's alright. I'd wait for a girl like you."

He put some cash down and walked out.

I giggled a bit at his comment and went to put it in the register.

He seemed to nerdy and awkward, I kinda felt bad, but at the same time, not really.

I got off my shift and went to go see Dallas at Bucks.

I avoided everyone and walked straight to Dally's room.

"Hey, Dal." I said closing the door behind me.

"Hey, darlin'." He said stretching his arms out.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake ya."

"That's alright. Just a long day."

"Yeah, tell me about it." I said slumping down next to him. "There was this one guy at work. Said we graduated together. Asked for my number and I told him about you. Poor guy, he seemed so sad."

"Why are you feeling bad?"

"I dunno. I always feel bad when guys go out of their way and get rejected. He was probably nervous."

"Bullshit. Just tell him to screw off and you've got me."

I looked at him with a bit of shock. He never seemed like the jealous type. People hit on me all the time.

"Sorry... I was still at work. Had to be respectful."


I just looked back at the ceiling and he went to bed. I ended up just heading home for the night, anyway.

Over the next few months, Will did end up coming in. Asked about Dallas. Even knows him by name now. Says he'll wait. But he isn't really my type anyway.

I still stayed faithful to Dallas. I could never hurt someone like that. It has to be the worst feeling in the world.

And I know Dallas would never do that to me. I love him. We've been together nine months now, and although it really hasn't been long, it feels like an eternity.

And if we keep this up, I know we're gonna be alright.


"You don't earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day by day."
- Jeffrey Gitomer

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