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Once he leaves, I quickly get dressed in the clothes I was given.

I sigh.

Opening the door and seeing nobody, I sit back on the bed. The IV makes me cold, and I throw the blanket over me as I shiver.

Jesus Christ, it's not something I've shed in here.

I stared at the door in boredom. I glanced over to the nightstand and saw my phone.

I pick it up and check my phone. My blood runs cold. Panic hits me like a ton of bricks.

My dad had messaged me and called me.

Each message is more and more threatening.

The last one said he was going to kill me if I didn't come back home.

The door is knocked on.

"Come in," I say, my voice breaking.

The door is opened. I see the plate of food in his hand.

Though his focus was on something else entirely.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me

My face is softly lit up by the phone screen.

"Wh-at, I'm fine." I said, wiping my tears away, sitting my phone on the bed while I wiped my tears of fear away.

"I can't stay here; I need to leave. He's going to kill me if I don't get home soon." I quickly make an attempt to rip out the IV, my mind in panic and desperation.

He sets the plate of food down quickly, grabbing my hands to stop me.

"You need to calm down." He says this to me, noticing my panic consuming me.

"Just please stop; I have to go home. It's just going to be worse for me! You don't understand." I panicked.

"Please." I plead as tears continue to fall.

"Breathe, come on." He says pleads with me.

"Now, Meredith. Breathe in slowly for 5 seconds." He demanded me

I take a short breath.

"Good. Try again." He says counting is what I breathe in.

"Now breathe out, he says.

I breathe out.

"Again." He tells me this as we repeat the process.

My breathing is finally even.

He picks up the plate of food, handing it to me.

"Eat." He tells me this as he sits on the edge of the bed.

I look down at the food, and a sigh leaves my lips.

I begin eating.

Mr. Greyson pulls out his phone. Calling a number.

"She is eating. If you want to go ahead and bring the antibiotic, While you are at it, bring sedazione just in case." He says he is hanging up the phone and sliding it into his jacket pocket.


I eat slowly.

"I'm going to need to see your phone." Mr. Greyson said his face was still.

"Why would you need my phone? You have your own." I say, looking at him questioningly.

"We both know why. Please unlock it and hand it over." He says this to me with stern eyes.

Before I could even protest, he picked it up and slid it in his pocket.

"I'll bring it back here in a bit." He says this just as the door opens to the bedroom.

Jermery walks in with a new bag of fluids.

He slightly smiles at me.

"I guess Mr. Greyson didn't understand me; that isn't necessary; I'm heading home. I appreciate all the help really." I quickly tried to undo the clear tape over my IV.

Mr. Greyson let out a loud sigh. He rubbed his large hand over his stubbled chin.

"Meredith, you aren't going anywhere. At least not now. You are so terrified of going back; you were crying. I'm sorry, but no, it's not going to happen. Just relax; your body really needs to heal. If you try one more time to take out that IV, we will have no choice but to sedate you. Now I know that's not what you want. If you ran home, you told yourself he could kill you. Or he would further injure you. You are too stubborn to go to the police because you want to protect your low-life self. So therefore, you wouldn't go to the ER. So make your choice now. You going to keep the IV in or not?" his face showing he was no longer allowing my behavior.

I look at both of their faces intensely, searching for any lies. I could find it. Nothing.

"You wouldn't." I state plainly not believing them. Well, I didn't know if they were lying, but I thought I'd call them out on their bluff.

"Oh, but I would." Jermery says to the small vile of medicine and a needle:.

"Fine." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

Jermery sets it away and attaches the new bag of fluids.

"Just then, the door is knocked on.

Mr. Grayson replied "open" for me.

Dexter walked in.

Glancing at the table. Softly chuckling.

"I'm guessing you got on his nerves?" He teased gesturing with the vile of medicine with his head.

"Yes, she keeps trying to leave, ripping out her IV." Mr. Greyson says to him, softly glaring at me.

Jermery had exchanged the bag of fluids.

"What's your pin to your phone?" Mr. Greyson asks, pulling it out of his pocket.

"I'll just type it." I am reaching for it.

"No, I've got it. What's the code?" He says the screen is lighting up.

"Why do you want to know it?" I stare intently at him.

"I wanna know what he said; he and I had an argument, and I wanna make sure he held up his end of the deal." He says it nonchalantly.

"Fine, I'll tell you, just promise to only look at the voicemails and calls and nothing else." I say this seriously.

All of their faces changed slightly.

Dexter smirks. "Are you talking about your Google history or something?" He asks

"Uh, yeah, something like that." I mumbled. I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

"Just promise, or break your own pinky." I say serious.

"Deal." Mr. Grayson says:.

I looked at the rest of them.

"That goes for you two as well." I said I was not hearing their promise.

"Deal." They both say:.

"Hang on, it's kind of hard,1234" I say.

I hear them all softly chuckle.

"1234?" Jermery says with a laugh, "What's the point of a password if it's that easy?"

 Dangerous black tiesWhere stories live. Discover now