32. One thing at a time

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I was send to a building that has a massive hall to rent. The magician and his assistant worm waved at me to enter. The Hypno man rubbed his hands together, "Ahhh Y/N, thank you for coming".

I nodded at him, "It is my job. So what can I do for you?"

He gestured to the hall, "We want to rent this place for our next show. The tickets are already sold out and it is around five hundred people we need in here."

"Five hundred?!" I looked around with worry. This place was too small for such a large audience. I checked the internet and found Aprils school rents their hall for the weekends, big enough for so many people.

"Then shall we have a look?" asked the magician with joy. I nodded pleased and we all walked towards April's high school. Meanwhile we have been followed.

April and Splinter however followed someone else at this point.

Since she lost her job at the clothes store because her employer saw how she treated Leo as a customer. April will have her revenge on blue at some point but right now she works for that shoe store. Her new employers were a little odd by their behavior and looks. They were half naked and had footprints on their faces. The employees didn't look like that at all which made Splinter suspicious. Unlike April she didn't want to lose another job this quick again. The rat man didn't take notice of her complaints and followed the guys. Not too long after that, April stood behind him.

This is where they noticed that this was a serious problem at hand.

They were all standing before a massive armor, only half complete. Splinter was close to faint at that sight. He needed a minute to adjust to the situation as memories of his past kept flashing before his eyes.

"Splints?" asked April getting him out of his frozen state.

"We have to get out of here" was all he said. For now. The rat man was determined once they left the store, they will return very soon with his sons.

Speaking of sons, their little game with the cat turned out well.

The big one was high as a kite from all that catnip and the little one scratched Raph's face while holding it in his hands. Leo grabbed the bag that it dropped and checked the content. His sigh was loud as he had the ring in his hand.

"Isn't Y/N a gold type?" asked Donnie curious inspecting the ring.

"I could not afford a gold ring" complained Leo.

"You should have saved it up for one. My baby would get her golden ring no matter what"

"Unfortunately Y/N is not YOUR baby! And no one is as rich like you!" snapped Leo holding the ring closer to his chest. Mikey likes the ring finding it beautiful. Raph on the other hand didn't see anything special about it, "You really want to give that to Y/N?"

"I am sure she will like it!" he got really protective over the ring turning his back to his brothers. They noticed that their words hurt him but Leo tried to be tough. Red places his arm over his Leo's shoulder, "I am sorry. We are just worried that it might not work out for you."

"But...I want to make this right..."

Mikey stepped forward next to Leo, "Why don't you be her boyfriend? No more no less"

"And just be happy to have her" added Donnie hesitantly.

"You guys all spoil her with your gifts and mine are just...not good enough..." Leos face was full of hurt as he dropped the ring. Raph picked it up, "True we all gave her presents she loved dearly but..." he grabbed blues hand and placed the ring back into his palm, "...you are the one she dated and spend time with." In an instant they all came into a group hug. Well except Donnie, Mikey had to pull him in.

Purple got stiff, "Too close...too emotional..."

Thankfully this was over quickly as Raphs'phone rang. Splinter called them to get back to the lair as soon as possible.

Meanwhile I was with the mutants at April's high school.

We arranged everything to the show tonight. Thankfully they took care of the extras while I had to deal with the entrance and decoration. It was a simple show nothing too fancy but based on their sell of tickets they must be good. Hypno was on stage looking behind the curtains. Out of my sight he checked his phone. Warren noticed his roomies concerned look, "What is it?"

"You know I was wondering if we could just call it a night and send her back home."

"What are you talking about?" asked Warren fixing his hair while making a kissing face towards the mirror, "She is our manager without her face we cannot get more shows." Apparently as mutants the internet is not good enough for them to arrange shows so they needed a human to deal with this. But there was more to it than I know.

"But what if she gets caught into this show?"

Warren sighted, "Then use your magic and get it undone. Relax, she won't get harmed. We spend days printing flyers and making adds online for this show to happen. We want to make history, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I hope your right Warren. We cannot afford to lose our manager."

On the streets of New York the turtles were on their way home into the sewers while a tall figure was heading the other way into an alley. Two flying creatures heading towards the tall figure.

"Have you found her?"

Huginn and Muninn nodded in approval. Huginn gestured to where they have to go. His partner added to the information, "She is in company of mutants."

"Turtles" asked their master in rage.

"No, a hippo and a worm"

Huginn nodded, "Yeah and them seem to be getting along well. They said something about a magic show in a school." Their master held up a flyer he found noticing the hypo on it and his assistant. Although it did not say anything about a school but for this the gargoyles had an idea on how to get the information.

The great baron Draxum was now standing in front of an internet café.

His face showed he was not happy with this.

Neither was the owner that watched him entering the café.

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