chapter two: three days from now ...

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In three days from now, I would be going on a date with Bakugo.

Well, a fake date.

I didn't want to tell the rest of the guys, since none of them actually knew about my confusing feelings I had towards him. It was still unreal for me to believe.

I was going on a date with Bakugo.

Even though it was only three days from now, I was still kinda excited about it. I didn't want to get my hopes up though. I had tried my hardest to get my mind off of Bakugo and our date, but the more I tried not to think about it, the more excited I got. My mind went back to the thoughts I had about Bakugo and I dating, how nice it would be. It wasn't like Bakugo was making it any harder though. It wasn't easy when I would see him in classes, acting like everything was still normal. He was still the same asshole who had stared at me all of our first year. Bakugo wasn't really around us much since he initially asked me out, which I found it weird. He was always around if not me, then Kiri, but he's sort of been MIA. I shook my head again, but it was hard not to get excited about our date.

Why should I get excited? I mean, this was only for him to settle a bet he lost with Mina.

The date isn't even real.

I tried to accept the reasonings behind this date, but there were still some questions that I had on my mind about the whole thing.

Like one, if Mina and him made the bet, they why haven't Mina asked if he's settled his bet?

Maybe she doesn't know that I was the one who he chose.

Okay, even if she didn't know who exactly he chose, why would Bakugo agree to a bet that had a consequence like a date? Yes, he is competitive, but he's not dumb either; he wouldn't take on a bet like this even if there was the probability that he would lose. Bakugo is probably one of the smartest and levelheaded people I've ever met. So, if Bakugo was levelheaded, why still agree to a bet like this?

Maybe he was drunk when they made the bet.

Yeah, even if that was true, something still felt off about this whole date thing.

I sat in my room, still toying my head around our upcoming date, when my phone went off. I picked up my phone, realizing that Bakugo texted me.


Wear something cute for Saturday. I'll pick you up at 7

I sat there, staring at the message, wondering where and what he had planned. Since this wasn't a real date, maybe we would just grab a bite to eat or catch a movie or something. At least if we watched a movie, he wouldn't have to talk to me and breeze by the whole thing.

Bakugo wouldn't put too much effort into this.

I responded back to him, saying "Okay" and put my phone back down, juggling the questions that I still had in my head. I tried to wrap my brain around the biggest fact that this was only a fake date, so I shouldn't get my hopes up, expecting things to be different. The Bakugo I knew would never want to go out with a person like me. I felt more at ease once I came to my conclusion and decided to just spend some time watching tv. After a few moments of watching tv, I heard a knock on my door. I walked towards the door, opening it to find Kiri on the other side.

"Hey Kiri, what's up."

"Hey Lexi, I was seeing if you heard from Bakugo."

I looked confused. That's his best friend. Why wouldn't he know where he's at? I didn't want to tell Kiri that he just texted me about what to where for our date and stuff. Bakugo probably hasn't told Kiri or anyone else for that matter about it.

I spoke back "No, I haven't heard him him. Is everything okay?"

Kiri cocked a smile, the same reassuring one he always gave. "Yeah, it's fine. I just know that he called me asking about things to do for dates, so I told him to ask you, you know from a girl's perspective. I was just trying to see if he actually reached out to you." He shrugged his arm back behind his head, still smiling. "I was just trying to see if he may have mentioned anything about his date coming up?"

Okay, Kiri was definitely lying.

Kiri wasn't always the best liar. He had such a noticeable tell. For starters, he always looked up, trying to avoid eye contact, and then his voice shakes just the slightest bit, not enough to instantly cause suspicion, but knowing Kiri for as long as I had, I picked up on it. Besides, Mina would tell me about this as well, so I just looked more into it. I started to analyze his last sentence for context clues, looking to see if I missed anything that could let me know that he was lying. He stood in front of me, still smiling.

I haven't noticed any of his signs, so maybe he's not lying.

"Well, he hasn't reached out to me. I don't know anything, sorry Kiri."

He put his hand down, disappointed about the lack of information I gave him. His expression seemed genuine.

"Ahh man, that sucks. Well, I was just trying to see. You know Bakubro doesn't share much with people and my curiosity got the best of me."

I chuckled, knowing that Kiri was just trying to be nosy. "It's okay, it happens."

I closed the door after saying my goodbyes to Kiri, more assured of my thoughts that my suspicions about this date were on the head. I climbed back into my bed, continuing to watch tv. I didn't hyper fixate on whether this was an actual date or not anymore, but there was still the aching question in my head since Kiri left:

Kiri always know where Bakugo was going, so why would he ask me?

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