prolouge: major staring problems

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I grunted at my alarm goes off.

7:00 AM. Ugh, it's too early.

I rolled over on my bed, reaching towards my phone to turn it off. I couldn't go back to sleep now. I laid in bed for a little bit, trying to get my thoughts ready for the day. It was the first day of classes and only after moving into the dorms a few days ago, going to class was not on my to-do list. I groaned some more as I forced all my energy out of the bed, my feet touching the cold, concrete floor. I looked over to see Jiro, still asleep in her bed. I tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake her up. I slumped my feet into my slippers and dragged my body into the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I began to brush my teeth, I thought about my class schedule.

Okay. Intro to Psych at 8:00 AM, then English I at 10:00 AM. I have a bit of a break before my Intro to Criminal Justice class at 3:00 PM. Okay, I can do this.

I finished breaking my teeth and doing my morning skin care routine and went back into the room to get dressed. Jiro was still asleep, so I wanted to be quiet since I didn't know her class schedule yet. I only met Jiro a couple of days ago and didn't know much about her. When we met, she told me that she was a Music major, wanting to become a music producer. I thought that she was cool, edgy even. The way she carried herself, it peeked an interest in me. I had a feeling that we would be friends soon, but I didn't want to push it, making her think I was weird. I slipped on some jeans and my favorite AC/DC shirt, pairing it with my platform converses. I opted into putting my hair in a high-top knot bun and grabbed my bag to head out. Making sure I closed the door softly, not wanting to wake Jiro up, I headed out of the dorms to class.

7:45. Okay, it's a 5-minute walk to class, putting me there at 7:50. Surprisingly, I'm making good time.

I had taken a walk to where all my classes were going to be held the other day, not wanting to be lost for the first day. I mapped out how long it would take me to get from each class to the next, timing myself on my phone. I practiced this the entire day. I was determined not to look lost. I didn't want the attention from other people. I walked into the lecture hall where my first class was held.

7:50. Perfect.

I took my seat near the middle of the classroom, not wanting to be in the front, looking like I was a nerd, but not wanting to be in the back either. I figured when in doubt, the middle would be the safest option. I sat down in my chair and waited for class to start by scrolling on my phone. As more students started to walk into the classroom, I briefly glanced my eyes up to see them. Each one of them took their seats. It wasn't until I noticed a boy walking into the classroom that caught my attention. He had ash blond hair and ruby eyes. He looked like he had a rough morning by the expression on his face and the way his hair spiked up. He wore an Aerosmith shirt, which caught my attention towards him at first. He took the seat that was next to mine, given that it was the only seat left in the classroom. I pretended like I had not stared at him from the time he walked in and went back to scrolling on my phone.

"I like your shirt."

I looked up, startled at the deep voice that just filled my ear drums. I looked over to see him glancing at me.


"I said I like your shirt."

"Oh, thanks. I, uh, I like yours too."

He didn't acknowledge the compliment, but I saw him smirk a bit. His smirk was kinda cute. I placed my phone in my bag and pulled out my tablet to take notes for the day. Throughout class, I would catch him glancing at me, making me kinda nervous.

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