chapter eleven: old fling

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I walked back towards the living room, ready to watch the cheesy comedy movie I picked out with Lexi. I liked the fact that we were spending more time together, just the two of us. It felt nice. The idea of the two of us doing this every moment possible made my heart skip a beat. A smile grew on my face. I walked through the hallway, but instead of seeing her smiling, giggling nerdy face, I saw something different. Her back facing me, standing frozen. I noticed her hands trembling. When she turned to look towards me, her face was red, not from laughing though like I would normally see. Her face was cold, almost like she had seen a ghost. I grew suddenly worried. What could have happened in the short amount of time that I was away?

"What's wrong?"

Her face grew colder. I could see that tears were forming in her eyes. It was an expression that I had never seen from her before. Her hands were still trembling, but they began to shake uncontrollably the moment I spoke. I could tell that she was fighting to hold back her tears, especially from me. My face instantly turned from worriment to terror the more I analyzed the situation. I looked back towards her hands again, still uncontrollably shaking. She was holding something in her clutches, but I couldn't tell what it was. She let out a sigh.

"Bakugo... who's Hina?"


~u.a.-first year~

Bakugo headed towards the gym to work out for the day. On his way there, a girl accidentally ran into him on her way to class. She was a petite girl, with long black hair and a face that Bakugo found decently attractive. She had slender brown eyes that reminded him of a forest. She apologized for running into him and offered to take him out for lunch as an apology. When they went to lunch, Bakugo learned that the girl was studying to be an elementary school teacher and wanted to teach English to children in different countries. Bakugo thought the girl was interesting, but not on the same level as he thought with Lexi. A few weeks later, he ran into the girl again at a club that Kirishima had dragged him to. The two had a few drinks and ended the night in her dorm room. From there, he had sex with the girl, with him leaving her dorm room early the next morning. Bakugo would never reach out to the girl first, giving that he didn't have a reason to do so. The two continued their fling throughout the next three years of their college days, with the two of them agreeing that they were nothing but physical exchanges for the other. When she asked for him to come over, he would. Bakugo didn't tell Kirishima or the rest of the guys about the girl, since he knew that she was nothing but a person to help out with sexual frustrations he had. He knew that the guys would try and push him to pursue a relationship with the girl, so he kept her a secret to them...

until the girl he really liked found the messages.


The minute she mentioned her name, the current terror in my body grew. I darted my eyes over towards the counter and back towards her hands.

She was holding my phone.

Oh shit.

My eyes widened as panic now formed in my body. There's no way that she could not have seen the messages that Hina sent. I couldn't question why Lexi would have my phone. I knew that she wouldn't just randomly go through it. My phone must have been ringing or something ...


My alarm. I forgot that I set an alarm on my phone to go to the gym. I didn't cancel it before we came back.

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