chapter seventeen: before we graduate ...

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This chapter does contain the topics of depression, grief, and the aftermath of murder that may be triggering towards some readers. I will include where the topics begins and ends so that if you feel like you may be triggered, you can skip it.



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After all the studying for finals and last-minute project deadlines, I finally reached the top of the summit.


With it only being a week away, I wanted to just spend some time to relax. What better way to do that than lay in my bed and mindlessly scroll through my social media.

Yay. So relaxing.

While everyone else was doing final preparations for graduation, here I was, just happy at the fact that I was graduating. There was a point in my life where I thought that I would never see this day come, and here it was.

The feeling of graduation came bittersweet to me. I was astonished, delighted even, to live to see the day all of my hard work paid off, but seeing everyone make final arrangements for their families to come and planning dinners and parties and such made me a little sad that I would be the only person in my family attending my graduation. With abuela unable to come and no prior connection to other family members, I had no one to see me, experience with me one of the greatest moments of my life. I told abuela it was ok that she couldn't come, but deep down, I was upset. She's the only family I have left who's able to come but can't. I told her that she could watch from the live stream, but abuela wasn't always tech savvy, so there was a high chance that she wouldn't even watch me walk across the stage. I started to feel a little homesick, not being able to see abuela. I haven't seen her since coming to UA. I tried planning to go home to see her, but the haunting of the past talked me out of it every time.

Maybe this was payback for not going home to see her.

I knew that abuela wouldn't do this on purpose or just to be petty; she was getting older. She couldn't move around like she use to, and it wasn't like she had someone to take care of her. Before I moved in, she had abuelo taking care of things, but when he died, I had to step in. I couldn't let her handle the loads of stress by herself, especially after what happened with me. I felt like I had an obligation to at least help her out, return the favor for letting me stay.

I closed out of my social medias to call abuela again, for about the sixth time today. Just hearing her voice made me feel slightly better about the situation. I called the house phone first, since she was always misplacing her cell phone, but after a couple of rings, there was no answer. It was the same with her cell. I decided to just send her a text message.

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